Kanye West is a noted perfectionist. So although many fans saw his leaked "Black Skinhead" video online a few weeks back, on Monday morning (July 22), Yeezy presented the clip the way he intended it to be seen on KanyeWest.com — and gave it a provocative new title.
Titled "Blkkk Skkkn Head," the final Nick Knight-directed clip isn't much different from the leaked version. As soon as fans log on to 'Ye's website — which has been a hub for all things new during his current Yeezus run — they'll find an image of three figures wearing black hoods in the style of the Ku Klux Klan. After several seconds, the three masked men open their eyes and the video begins as the screen turns from mostly white to almost all black.
There are growling Dobermans and a CGI-version of West bouncing up and down to the punk-inspired drum roll. Though the rapper is digitally enhanced, his mannerisms were captured perfectly so that each move feels authentically Kanye. Stylistically, it matches his May , save for Yeezy's glowing eyes, sparkling chain and beefed-up muscle mass.
The video for "Black Skinhead" also features an interactive component that allows you to slow down the motion speed and song's sound, as well as capture still images that can be shared across social-networking sites.
This new clip, like Yeezus' first vid, "New Slaves," was presented in black-and-white and delivered to the public in an unorthodox way. While "Slaves" was projected onto walls in the streets of various cities around the world, "Blkkk ...
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