SAN DIEGO — We're still reeling from an epic Saturday at San Diego Comic-Con. Warner Bros. announced a Batman/Superman team-up movie. Fox unleashed an entire stage of X-Men in Hall H. Marvel revealed the title of their superhero all-star sequel: Lionsgate unleashed a brand-new trailer for "Catching Fire."
But there's no time to rest, because on today's MTV live stream we're focused on bringing you interviews with some of the major players involved in yesterday's biggest breaking news. Check out the full schedule below.
2:00 PM "Skybound" Writers Panel
2:30 PM "Catching Fire" director Francis Lawrence
2:45 PM "Captain America: Winter Solider" stars Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson
3:00 PM Marvel "Hulk: Agents of S.M.A.S.H" Exclusive
3:15 PM "Thor: The Dark World" star Tom Hiddleston
3:30 PM "Mordecai and Rigby In 8-Bit Land"
3:45 PM "Catching Fire" star Jeffery Wright"
4:00 PM Exclusive "Steelheart" Trailer
4:15 PM Sideshow Collectibles Giveaway
4:30 PM Jim Lee & Dan Didio, DC Entertainment
5:00 PM "Star Wars" Craft Demo
5:15 PM Entertainment Earth Giveaway
5:45 PM "Guardians of the Galaxy" stars Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana
6:00 PM "The Maxx" Creator Sam Keith
6:15 PM John Barrowman
6:30 PM "Emily The Strange" Exclusive
7:00 PM MTV Comic's 1,000
7:30 PM MTV Comic-Con Live Wrap-Up