February 24, 2025

About the author  ⁄ Tamar Anitai

Exclusive: Watch Outkast Perform ‘Ms. Jackson’ And ‘The Way You Move’ Live

by 05/21/14

What’s cooler than bein’ cool? Ice cold. What’s cooler than that? Only singing “Roses really smell like poo poo poo” at the top of your lungs on the beach in Alabama led by Outkast and surrounded by approximately 50,000 fellow ATL-liens shutting down Hangout Fest 2014 this past Sunday, 5/18.


Outkast’s Hangout Fest show was packed with throwback tracks, jump-off joints, and for some, a show literally 20 years in the making and over-delivered on already-high expectations, with a full band (including brass section — necessary), Dre and Big Boi trading lines like no time had passed at all, and a crowd more than ready to shake it like a Polaroid.

Dre and Big Boi spent equal time onstage together and off, kicking off the show with a 10-ton blast from the past in the form of “B.O.B” and “Gasoline Dreams.” Then, using the Speakerboxxx/The Love Below model (and, much like their temporary separation of their careers), the duo spent solo time in the spotlight, with Big Boi snappin’ and trappin’ to “GhettoMusick” and “The Way You Move,” while Dre moved into trippier territory with “She Lives In My Lap” and “Prototype” before synching up again for the old-school home stretch with “Player’s Ball” and “Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik” before a more-than-generous encore that included “So Fresh, So Clean,” and, incredibly, “The Whole World.”

Missed the return of one of rap’s all-time greatest duos? Check out full-length performances of “Ms. Jackson” and “The Way You Move” live ...

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5 Times Amber Rose’s Stunning Beauty Shamed Even This Beautiful Beach

by 05/18/14

It’s good to be a gorgeous beach (people worship and pine for you, but there is the downside: urine), but it’s even better to be Amber Rose, whose radiant beauty managed to shame even the most pristine, picturesque, Instagram-worthy patches of Gulf Shores, Alabama, where master photobomber Amber introduced her Hangout Festival headliner husband, Wiz Khalifa (who just announced he’s prepping his 28 Grams mixtape), and hosted “MTV’s Summer Kickoff at Hangout Festival,” with “Guy Code” star Andrew Schultz.

Tune in to the show Sunday, May 18 at 7 p.m. ET, and check out photos of Amber Rose shaming She’s kinda photogenic, if you hadn’t picked up on that yet.

1.) Casually stunting on the beach with beauty game on lock:
2.) Out-”Baywatch”-ing “Baywatch:
3.) Blessing mortals and giant beach ball alike with her gorgeous glow:
4.) Making this ping-pong table sorry it’s not her:
5.) I can’t…


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Bastille Suffer Brutal Turtle-Shark Attack (WARNING: Contains Graphic Imagery)

by 05/18/14

It’s a well-known fact around these parts of Alabama that sharks, with their beady little eyes and insatiable appetite for human flesh, can be deadly if provoked… or whenever they f*cking feel like destroying you.

Fortunately Hangout Fest performers Bastille put aside their characteristic British reticence when confronted with one dual devils — both a pernicious shark and deadly sea turtle — and in an act of trepidation, boldly went good old American psycho on the highly dangerous beasts.

Feeling invigorated by their valiant act, I bravely documented the brutal battle between Woody and the evil marine life. But I should warn you: The photos below are intense and may be difficult to view.

bastlle shark

nicki shark

Credit: Tamar Anitai/ MTV; Heavy.com


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Childish Gambino Drops Mics, Knowledge & Much-Needed Dose Of Hangout Hip Hop

by 05/18/14

Hangout Festival‘s been dominated by an impressive array of bearded singer-songwriters slinging banjos and acoustic guitars and peddling hushed, chilldown folk tunes to barefoot crowds in peasant skirts and flower crowns. Unless you were at Childish Gambino‘s set. Because if you came to Hangout to, well, hang out, Childish’s set was not your place. If you came to be brainwashed by a steely eyed drill sergeant/cult leader/dance commander on a singular mission to drop a performance fiery enough to burn down the Gulf Shores boardwalk, then you got that.

Buoyed by his live band, Gambino revealed a tongue-twisting flow polished to perfection and a stage presence propelled by what could only be secret injections of rocket fuel or a hidden jetpack. On tracks like “IV Sweatpants,” Gambino carpet bombed the stage with swag, unapologetically dropping not just his mic but references to Jeff Goldblum, onomatopoeia, and (unsettlingly) the KKK for the rabid crowd to process.

On “3005,” one of his best-known tracks, and “III. Telegraph Ave.,” Gambino channeled The Love Below-era Andre 3000, revealing the trippy vulnerability and solitude (even in the midst of an audience transfixed) that make him one of the most diverse rappers in the game and bringing a much-needed (and greatly appreciated) dose of hip-hop to Hangout Fest.

hangout childish gambino

Hangout Music Fest 2014: Highlights

Get The Latest On This Year's Fest Line-up
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Amber Rose Recreates Baywatch. You’re Welcome.

by 05/18/14

Sorry, Pamela Anderson. Drop the burger, Hasselhoff. Call us when you can storm the beach of Gulf Shores, Alabama, home of Hangout Fest, in an all-black ensemble (avec patent leather Doc Martens) and paradoxically save lives while slaying like muh girl Muvarosebud, aka @Darealamberrose, best known as Amber Rose, who’s hosting “MTV’s Summer Kickoff at Hangout Festival,” where she and host Andrew Schultz will be bringing you summer music, fashion, trends and highlights from Hangout Fest.

You’ll have to wait until the show airs Sunday, May 18 at 7p.m. ET, but until then, mediate on this photo of Amber Rose taking over an Alabama lifeguard stand, and marvel at the fact that her beauty is such that she makes a photo I casually snapped on my iPhone look like a Vanity Fair editorial that Annie Leibovitz and a team of photo pros planned for months. #blessed

Oh, and don’t miss Amber Rose photobombing like a boss and our touching tribute to America’s cutest couple, Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa. Real love, y’all.


amber rose gif

Hangout Music Fest 2014: Highlights

Get The Latest On This Year's Fest Line-up
Watch How Hangout Performers Prep For The Beach
See Who's Playing The Festival
2013 Hangout Fest Highlights
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This Photo Of Lady Gaga Wearing Overalls & Drinking A Beer On An ATV Raises More Questions Than It Does Answers

by 05/18/14

Lady Gaga posted a photo of herself in the woods, on an ATV, wearing overalls and raising a beer in the universal sign for “I’m a massively famous pop start drinking a beer in a random forest on an ATV” and Gaga’s farmer’s daughter moment raises many questions — far more than it does answers. Like, for instance, why drink from a can of beer when you could be sipping tea on fine china with Sway? And was Lady Gaga listening to Luke Bryan? Because, you know. Been there sister. (Not proud, but also, I’d do it again, and I probably will).

Glad to see Gaga did the responsible thing and took the passenger seat while enjoying an adult beverage. And nice to see she ditched the backward platform concept shoe in favor of a sensible forest footwear. And I’m sure coveralls are comfy and everything (they are having a moment, you know). But if Gaga is moving into a phase where she exclusively shops at Bass Pro Shop, I’ll start a petition to bring back the bubble dress, and I won’t sleep until I’ve successfully canvassed each and every stop of the artRave: The ARTPOP Ball Tour.

If, however, Gaga’s spending the weekend holed up in a cabin watching VHS tapes of MTV “Diary” and shotgunning Miller Lites, then I’m packing up my Luke Bryan MP3s and a compass (LOL whatever that is) and setting out for the forest to join her. ...

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EXCLUSIVE: Logan Paul Got Married! Sorry, Ladies!

by 05/17/14

Beyonce has a saying about marriage, and I believe it goes something along the lines of “If you liked it then you should’ve put a ring on it.” Well, ladies, Vine star, supermarket swimmer, and tank-top enthusiast Logan Paul took that to heart (which is wise since you definitely don’t want The Beygency on your ass) down here at the Hangout Fest in Alabama, where he’s been making Vines for MTV and getting himself hitched to a lucky lady… whom he met, like, five minutes before taking her to a little beach chapel and making her Mrs. Logan Paul forever-ever.

Congrats, you two! If you email me a link to your registry I’ll be getting you love birds the fifth-most expensive thing on your list!


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Childish Gambino Finds A Lost Child, Delivers Most FOMO-Inducing Hangout Fest Set Yet

by 05/17/14

Oh, you wanna be Childish Gambino, do you? Well here’s what you have to do:

1.) Give the most inspired, electrifying, and explosive performance of Hangout Fest so far. (Sorry, folksy singer-songwriter types. But did you pull a crowd that looks like this?


2.) Start your set off stage.


3.) No, like WAY off stage. Preferably near a guy who looks like Kid Rock.


4.) Stay hydrated.


5.) Hire a highly skilled backing band that brings the funk and the R&B and feels like The Roots added a female keyboard player to their roster.
6.) Serve hyper-literate, sexual yet self-aware, neurotic, digitally obsessed philosophical Gambino realness on prime cuts from Camp and Because The Internet, like “Heartbeat,” “Pink Toes,” “Sweatpants,” and “Crawl.” Also, don’t hesitate to perform “Black Faces” IN ALABAMA. Also, don’t hesitate to sing just as well as you rap.
7.) Also? Turn way the f*ck up. Like the ENTIRE way up. Then stay that way.


8.) Stop your set to help find a lost child (this actually happened.)
9.) Dance like you just checked your bank account and it said you never have to check your bank account ever again.



10.) Bring out your brother Stephen, because family.
11.) Burn through this entire set list with the fiery intensity of an entire Independence Day’s worth of Roman candles.


12.) Exit stage right leaving shirt behind. Because Alabama sun, and because ...

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Stop Everything Now And Listen To White Sea’s ‘Future Husbands Past Lives’

by 05/06/14


If Kate Bush stayed up all night bing listening to Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” and then went out binge drinking with Giorgio Moroder, the result would be White Sea‘s (Morgan Kibby of M83) brilliant new track, “Future Husbands Past Lives,” which reads like the title to a Virginia Woolf short story but with far more lush vocal layers, harmonies, and thinking-woman’s dance beats and way less drowning. (So Haim fans, lean in, okay?)

Come for the stellar Fleetwood Mac-ian production (crafted by the Grammy-nominated Kibby herself), stay for staggering the whistle tones, and pre-order her album, In Cold Blood, out May 20, now.

+ Listen to White Sea’s “Future Husbands Past Lives.”


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Ricky Dillon’s Got His Cheap Shades On And Is Ready To Party In The Pool In His Star-Studded ‘Ordinary’ Video

by 04/29/14

Sincerest of sorries (and not-sorries) to you and any summer party you had planned. Actually, you know what? Just cancel it, because it’s never going to be as ceweb-studded or double-shot-filled as the summer jam that YouTube star (and 1/6th of O2L) Ricky Dillon‘s throwing in his brand-new “Ordinary” video.


Deflate your sad, basic kiddie pool filled with unfulfilled dreams from your ordinary life, and watch Ricky Dillon show you how the pros do.

All you’ll need are…

+ Empty double cups
+ Cheap shades
+ Tank tops!!
+ Kian!!
+ Intro that sounds SO satisfyingly much like Nelly’s “Ride” (Woot!)
+ Trance-inducing hook
+ Lauren Elizabeth
+ Super Soakers
+ Blatant Kia promo
+ John D (aka Simply Spoons)
+ Jenn McAllister (aka @jennxpenn)
+ Go-to Day-Glo scene
+ Total domination of Internet

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to scour my Spam folder, because I’m sure that’s where my invite accidentally went.


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