There’s been something bubbling beneath the surface of the media in their reaction to popular entertainment over the past few months. And as of last night (June 5), it officially bubbled over with a piece on Slate about how adults should stop reading YA fiction.
The piece itself was even more harshly worded than that, and of course tied to the release of “The Fault In Our Stars” in movie theaters. It was a piece meant to get a reaction by slagging off a popular form of entertainment, and it got one, from both fans and fellow writers alike:
Here’s the thing, though: it isn’t just YA readers who are getting fan-shamed this week. I’ve also seen an incredible amount of derogatory tweets towards fans of “Star Wars” for getting overly excited about a glimpse of the Millennium Falcon, or sets from Tatooine.
And I’m here to say in response: people should be allowed to love whatever the f**k they want to love.
Far too much of the world is taken up with negativity and vitriol, and I’m not exempting fan culture in that, either. Most of the world knows the “angry nerd” as a much more public figure than the “happy nerd,” and that’s for a reason. Fans will get upset about anything at the drop of a hat.
Don’t like the costume or casting for a superhero movie? You know there’s going to be posts about that.
Pissed off “The Giver” isn’t in black and white? There’s a forum for that, too.
And not only ...
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