March 4, 2025

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

Maleficent Proves (Again) That People Want Female-Led Blockbusters

by 06/02/14

Can we stop talking about how female-led movies are a novelty now? As “Maleficentably proved at the box office this past weekend, earning a much-better-than-expected $70 million domestically and over $100 million internationally, the days when Hollywood could get away with saying a box office success featuring a woman in the lead are a fluke are dead, gone and should never be talked about again.

And it’s not just “Maleficent,” either. For decades, Hollywood, in its infinite wisdom, looked at major releases led by women and said, “Well, that’s not what the audience really wants,” then proceeded to point to the next flop starring a woman as evidence that these “types” of movies were a passing craze.

This is, of course, ignoring that there are a few dozen more flops led by men released every single year.

That aside, let’s take a look at the past few months, and why this insanely faulty argument should be retired, ASAP.


It all started with “Frozen” in November, which featured not one, but two female leads played by Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell. An article on wondered in the film could possibly reach the high, lofty level of animated hit “The Croods,” and grow beyond its, “core Disney female audience.”

I’d say pretty definitively, yes, the movie did grow beyond that audience. Not only did “Frozen” vastly over perform its opening weekend, it’s also gone on to become a global phenomenon grossing well over $1 billion.

Add in the success of ...

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Lupita Nyong’o Joins Cast Of ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’

by 06/02/14

You wanted more female characters in “Star Wars: Episode VII?” You got ‘em. The J.J. Abrams-directed continuation of the saga has added two more force-to-be-reckoned-with actors in Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o and “Game of Thrones” star Gwendoline Christie.

“I could not be more excited about Lupita and Gwendoline joining the cast of Episode VII,” Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said via press release. “It’s thrilling to see this extraordinarily talented ensemble taking shape.”

Agreed, Kathleen! Lupita had been long rumored to be joining the cast, but Christie — who plays the morose female knight Brienne of Tarth on “Game of Thrones,” and will appear int he upcoming “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2″ — is a welcome surprise.

Though at the time we don’t know who the duo are playing, Lupita was previously rumored for the part of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s granddaughter, and we’re going to go out on a limb and say the gigantic Christie is playing a sexy Wookie.

Is that mean? It might be a little mean. Sorry. Christie is awesome. We love her. But she is very tall, just saying.

John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the Saga Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker in the new film.

“Star Wars: Episode VII” is being directed by J.J. Abrams from a screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and Abrams. Kathleen Kennedy, Abrams, and Bryan Burk are producing, and John Williams returns as ...

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Need To Know: Nicki Minaj Says ‘Lol This My Brother’ After Grinding With Drake

by 06/02/14

Summer Grind Or Summer Jam With Nicki and Drake
Nicki Minaj was grinding with Drake at Summer Jam, the annual music festival thrown by New York’s Hot 97 radio station on Sunday night. She put any speculation to rest though when she posted a picture on Instagram of the two of them, saying, “Yall gotta chill. Lol this my brother.” Other artists who performed at the annual fest were Iggy Azalea, Trey Songz and a reunited G-Unit.

Drake Me Up
Drake gave us a new song to listen to this weekend. And around the 4:05 mark on “0 to 100/The Catch Up,” he may have revealed that his next album will drop in spring 2015. What do you think?

Justin Bieber Apologizes For Racist Joke
Video footage — allegedly shot during filming for 2011′s “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” documentary — leaked of a 17-year-old Justin Bieber using the N-word repeatedly in a joke. He apologized on Sunday, saying, ““I’m very sorry … As a young man, I didn’t understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt.”

What Do You Do When Your Maserati Gets Stolen?
Nothing can get Miley down! Despite having her North Hollywood home burglarized and her Maserati stolen on Friday, she’s been turnt up, partying and singing in videos she posted Sunday on Instagram.

Maleficent Casted A Spell On Filmgoers
“Maleficent” reigned at the box office this weekend with more than $68 million in ticket sales!

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‘Game Of Thrones’: Every Moment On ‘The Mountain And The Viper’ That Made Our Heads Explode

by 06/01/14

How about the ending to the latest episode of “Game of Thrones,” huh? Kind of made your head explode? Let’s take a moment then, to review every big thing that happened on “The Mountain and the Viper:”


We’ll Be Seeing LESSmont From Now On
Bye-Bye, Jorah Mormont. In yet another surprising callback to season one (after last week’s episode), it turns out that Jorah was spying on Daenerys, and even knew about the poisoned cup of wine she almost drank, the same one he saved her from (back in season one, as mentioned).

This all comes out when Tywin sends a pardon from Robert Barantheon to Barristan Selmy, by “accident.” Regardless of where it came from, Dany ejects Jorah with the utmost prejudice, breaking his little traitor heart. “Go back to your masters in King’s Landing,” Dany hisses at Jorah, and a lone tear passes from our lone eye.

More Like Hole’s Town
Because everyone got poked full of holes, get it? The Wildlings south of The Wall attack Mole’s Town, everyone’s favorite prostitute village, and slaughter everyone. Even Ygritte gets in on the action, impaling the one prozzy who got lines this episode straight through a wall.

The only one who escapes alive — though Samwell doesn’t know it yet — is Gilly and her son. Mostly, though, this and the following scene where Jon Snow tells his only friends at Castle Black that Mance Rayder’s army is closing in are only there to set up next week’s insane looking episode featuring ...

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Justin Bieber Apologizes For Racist Joke: ‘I Was A Kid Then’

by 06/01/14

Justin Bieber is not wasting any time with his latest scandal. The singer has already issued an apology for a video of his 15-year-old self telling an N-word laced racist joke.

“I’m very sorry,” the singer told TMZ. “I take my friendships with people of all cultures very seriously and I apologize for offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake. I was a kid then and I am a man now who knows my responsibility to the world and to not make that mistake again.”

Bieber blamed his ignorance on the follies of youthful naïveté. “As a young man, I didn’t understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt,” he explained. “I thought it was ok to repeat hurtful words and jokes, but didn’t realize at the time that it wasn’t funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance.”


The singer went on, hoping to turn the whole thing into a lesson both for himself and others, stating, “Ignorance has no place in our society and I hope the sharing of my faults can prevent others from making the same mistake in the future. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say but telling the truth is always what’s right. Five years ago I made a reckless and immature mistake and I’m grateful to those close to me who helped me learn those ...

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Jack White Apologizes To The Black Keys, Adele, Amy Winehouse — Basically Everyone

by 06/01/14

Dear The Black Keys, Danger Mouse, Adele, Meg White, Duffy, Lana Del Ray, and Amy Winehouse: Jack White is sorry.

The longstanding feud between White and The Black Keys over the contents of a lengthy Rolling Stone profile and a series of private emails has reached critical mass, prompting the White Stripes frontman to respond with a long letter on his personal website.

Comparing The Black Keys to teenage posers (essentially), White stated: “There are kids at school who dress like everybody else, because they don’t know what to do, and there are musicians like that, too. I’ll hear TV commercials where the music’s ripping off sounds of mine, to the point I think it’s me. Half the time, it’s The Black Keys. The other half, it’s a sound-alike song because they couldn’t license one of mine. There’s a whole world that’s totally fine with the watered-down version of the original.”

He also went on to lambast several other artists in his rant, including Adele and the late Amy Winehouse.

“Some people will hear that and say ‘Oh, Jack White thinks he’s the first person to play the blues.’ But certain acts open up a market for a certain style. Amy Winehouse: Did she invent white soul? Wearing a beehive? No. But she did something brand new and fresh, altogether as a package, and you see who’s in her wake, from the Duffys to the Lana Del Reys. Adele selling 20 million records? That would not have ...

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Jimmy Fallon’s Bet With NHL Mascot Youppi Draws To Adorably Sad Conclusion: See The Pics

by 06/01/14

Poor Youppi.

The newly adopted mascot of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team (he was formerly the face of the city’s then-MLB franchise, the Expos) has lost a bet to “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon. And there are hilariously sad photos to prove it.

It all started a few weeks ago in the middle of the New York Rangers/Canadiens’ Eastern Conference finals matchup, when the hockey team proposed a bet: if the Habs (that’s what they’re nicknamed) won, Fallon would have to wear their jersey during his monologue. If the Rangers won? Youppi would need to take a series of sad photos, admitting defeat, in a Rangers jersey.

Spoiler alert: the Rangers won. And poor Youppi is very sad about it.

But he is nothing if not an honorable man-mascot-thingy, so Youppi made good on his bet, resulting in a series of 10 photos that put even Sad Keanu Reeves to shame:

(That one’s our personal favorite.)

Stay strong, Youppi. Stay. Strong.


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This Selfie Proves Lupita Nyong’o And Aaron Paul Must Make A Rom-Com Immediately

by 06/01/14

All right, so maybe a photo of a selfie isn’t a selfie per se, but it’s only a matter of time befor Aaron Paul tweets the photo himself. And once that happens we’ll have definitive proof that he and “12 Years a Slave” star Lupita Nyong’o need to do a romantic comedy together. Immediately.

I mean, look at these two! Look at how charming and universally adored they are! Look at how cute and playful their chemistry is: goddamnit, don’t you just want to see them get up to some antics? Partake in tomfoolery? Fill their days with shenanigans? End it all in some sort of modern take on the fairytale endings?

Of course you do! Look at them!

Doesn’t it make you feel aww shucksy all over?

The photo is from Saturday’s Veuve Cliquot Polo Classic in Jersey City, New Jersey. The annual event saw Nygong’o, Paul, and a bevy of other stars (including a similarly dressed “50 Shades” star, Dakota Johnson) come out and play fancy socialites for the day, while inadvertantly writing the next great American rom-com of our dreams.

Picture it: Paul plays Marcus, a down-on-his-luck artist type from Brooklyn, whose brief run-in with Nyong’o's Alice puts him on course for a missed connection sojourn, complete with Craigslist intrigue, a Twitter mystery, and a series of Instagram posts used to find and facilitate a second modern meet-cute. It’s a romance for these modern times! You want it, you need it: it’s OK to admit it — heck, that’s why we ...

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Watch Luke Bryan Take A Tumble While Performing A Macklemore Cover

by 06/01/14

“The last time I was in North Carolina I busted my ass,” Luke Bryan said while recovering from his latest fall in the Tar Heel state. “What is it about North Carolina that makes me bust my ass?”

Clumsy-footed country star Luke Bryan took a bit of a tumble last night, falling off stage (for the second time!) in the middle of performing a cover of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ song, “Can’t Hold Us.”

He’s fine now — never you fear — confirming as such after the whole debacle, going so far as to encourage attendees at Charlotte’s PNC Music Pavillion to YouTube the literal misstep — most likely because this is 2014 we’re talking about and of course video of the fall was going to end up on the Internet. Of course.

Bryan later tweeted that all was well, so fans heading to Sunday night’s show in Bristow, Virginia have nothing to worry about.

Somebody get this man a “This Is The End of the Stage, Be Careful!” sign for his shows.


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The Time To Catch Up On ‘Orphan Black’ Is Now

by 06/01/14

There’s this show you may or may not be watching; it’s called “Orphan Black”. And in Saturday night’s latest episode — “Knowledge of Causes and Secret Motion of Things” — the show sort of upped the ante and changed everything. Which means it’s the perfect time to sit down, binge watch, and join the Clone Club already, damn it.

Now, you’ve likely heard the name bandied about on the Internet for awhile now, but for the unaware and uninformed, allow us to break it down. “Orphan Black” is a BBC America series starring the so-talented-it-is-stupid-and-borderline-unfair, Tatiana Maslany. The face of our sisterhood like no other — and by that we mean clones — Maslany is in a league of her own on the talented actor front. She rests on no laurels and is nothing if not 100 percent committed to her many, many, many different roles. She’s arguably the best actor on TV right now. After all: who else on television is playing a series of clones?

Before you science fiction-phobes start running for the hills, allow us to implore you to sit your ass right down and wait, because that is only one part of it. If you’re apprehensive about getting in on such a premise, trust us when we say: this show is so much more than all that. (And really, geek is the new chic these days so you might as well accept it.)

The series itself runs more like a psychological crime thriller, with conspiracy theories, good cop/bad ...

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