March 1, 2025

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

Pregnant Blake Lively Had A ‘Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants’ Reunion Off-Broadway

by 24 mins ago

Well, well, well: if it isn’t those age-old, movie-made friends turned real-life BIFFLES, “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.” Yes, that’s right: a pregnant Blake Lively, Amber Tamblyn, and Alexis Bledel took in a little Off-Broadway matinee of “Lips Together, Teeth Apart” to support the fourth leg of this friendship, America Ferrera, in her latest starring role.

It’s sort of beyond adorable that this motley crew of celebrity ladies are still close after all these years. Not only that, but that they hang out and support each other? Even better! Aww shucks, now we kinda-sorta can’t wait for Lively bridal shower, where no doubt the girls will come together to buy a pair of all-fitting baby jeans for the soon-to-be Baby Reynolds so that she might start her own group of girlfriends to help her get by.

Or maybe this is all just part of a plot point for the third “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” film that’s allegedly forthcoming? Ooh! Our girls are all grown up: who says movie magic only stays on the screen, eh?

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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Hear The New Jodeci-Sampling Drake Song ‘How About Now’

by 26 mins ago

Drake loves to drop new music when we’re least expecting it, so of course Sunday early evening is when his latest song “How About Now” hit the web. It samples Jodeci‘s classic “My Heart Belongs To You.”

According to The Fader it was originally posted by a teenage Soundcloud user in Marietta, Gerogia who claims it is a leak from Drizzy’s forthcoming album Views From The Six.

The song was removed from Soundcloud but is still floating around the internet. It sounds more like an outtake from last year’s Nothing Was The Same than a brand new direction for Drake, and of course, it takes a girl to task for not appreciating him enough before he was famous.

There’s also a voicemail intro from a female voice that sounds a hell of a lot like Nicki Minaj.

Listen below.

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


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‘The Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Will Have Most Visual Effects Of Any Marvel Movie, Ever

by 9 mins ago

Get ready to be dazzled by the brilliant abilities of visual effects and the folks who make them because “Marvel’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron” is apparently replete with them. In fact the film has set a new record for the comic book-turned-everything-superhero-ever mega-house. Which is really no small feat when you consider just how shiny and VFX-y their other endeavors have been thus far.

Over at The Hollywood Reporter, Marvel’s Executive Vice President of visual effects and post-production — in addition to holding a title of executive producer on ‘Ultron’ — Victoria Alonso is quoted from a summit in Hollywood, spoke out about the film’s triumphs in that regard, putting previous record-holder, “Guardians of the Galaxy” and their 2,750 visual effects shot to shame. By a pretty wide margin to boot.

Alonso expects ‘Ultron’ to top out somewhere over 3,000 VFX shots, which is crazy when you consider that a good chunk of the film will take place on earth, compared to ‘Guardians’ which was a total intergalactic smoke show (because it’s not like they were sending Chris Pratt and Co. up into space or anything).

Naturally, this means we’re in for some seriously epic battles with some seriously impressive baddies. And everything’s just going to look g-o-o-d, in general, so get ready for the eye-feast, y’all.

In addition, Alonso hinted at the company’s next big effects move: upping their immersive sound game. And while Marvel “likely won’t be the first out of the gate,” they’re ...

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Officer Darren Wilson Claims He ‘Feared For His Life’ In First Public Account Of The Michael Brown Shooting

by 13 mins ago

More than two months after the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, new details about the shooting death continue to emerge.

According to a report in the New York Times, forensic experts found Brown’s blood on officer Darren Wilson’s gun as well as the interior door panel of the police vehicle and Wilson’s uniform.

As well, Wilson has also detailed his version of the events for the first time. Wilson claims that “he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life as he struggled over his gun with Mr. Brown.”

Despite these revelations, this does not account for a number of inconsistencies in the story. For one, eyewitness accounts differ greatly from Wilson’s story. And Brown, who was unarmed, was shot a total of six times, more than even the large leeway officers typically have in situations where they face immediate danger.

After the announcement of the report, Brown’s family rejected the findings and Wilson’s claim that he feared for his life.

“The officer is going to say whatever he has to say to try to justify killing an unarmed teenager,” said Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Brown’s parents, to the Associated Press. “And certainly, his statement should not be taken above independent eye witnesses who are completely unbiased when he has every reason to be biased.

In the ...

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Watch What Jason Momoa Did In His ‘Game Of Throne’s Audition Tape To Prove He Was Khal Drogo

by 9 mins ago

Jason Momoa, better known to “Game Of Thrones” fans as Khal Drogo held nothing back when he was auditioning for the role. Momoa’s portrayal of the Dothraki lord is easily one of the show’s highlights, but this unearthed video of him auditioning for the part back in 2012 is even more delightful.

Momoa brings a fervent and fiercely passionate energy to the audition immediately, and he is apparently performing a traditional Maoridance called the haka. The dance has nothing to do with “Game Of Thrones” itself, but it helped convey the kind of intensity Momoa would bring to the role—even if it was just for nine episodes. He was born in Hawaii and has talked before about his fascination with Polynesian culture, so his choice makes sense.

“We come from the same [Polynesian] culture,” Momoa explained last year to the New Zealand site stuff. “When I found out more about the Maori culture I fell in love with it, and with the people too. There’s a lot of pride here which I love, being Hawaiian and being part of the US I love but our Hawaiian culture perishes a little bit, and it’s really supported out here. There are few indigenous cultures that have done as well as the Maori.”

As far as why he chose the dance, the actor said he thought it conveyed the warrior mentality in a fluid way.

“It’s very, very powerful, and I wanted to capture that,” he said. “I just ...

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A 24/7 ‘Star Wars’ Channel Is Coming To Our Planet

by 21 mins ago

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… oh who are we kidding? This is happening right now! Or rather will start on December 1, when German TV network Sky Deutschland turns its Sky Hits digital channel into Sky Star Wars HD. And yes it will be all “Star Wars” all the time.

True to its name, Sky Star Wars HD will play nothing but the films and its related featurettes and documentaries for 2 weeks — starting December 1st and ending on December 14th — on a nonstop 24-hour loop. The only catch? You have to be a Sky subscriber in Germany and Austria to gain access to the intergalactic madness.

“We all know that for ‘Star Wars’ fans it is too long to wait till Dec. 18, 2015 (for the launch of the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII),” explained Sky Deutschland’s Vice President of programming, Gary Davey. Guesstimating oh-so rightly (no doubt), Davey figured a 24/7 Star Wars network would ensure the hold-out was “a bit sweeter” thanks to the added programming than without.

For you German Jedis here’s the full deal: Sky Star Wars HD will show every Star Wars-branded film in their narrative — rather than chronological — order. Starting with 1999′s “Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” the loop itself will end with 1983′s “Star Wars: Episode VI – The Return of the Jedi.” But that’s not all! In addition to the films, the channel will ...

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Mr. Schue is Married! ‘Glee’ Star Matthew Morrison Makes It Official

by 1 min ago

Hot for teacher? Well “Glee” Star Matthew Morrison may have just given your dreams permanent detention, because Mr. Shuester just got married to his longtime girlfriend Renee Puente. And it was quite the musical affair!

Though there’s no word as to what sort of mash-up medley the students of Lima High performed — or if they were there at all, which, let’s be real they probably weren’t — it was an evening filled with entertainment and fanfare.

Pianist Chad Whidden played while soloist Kiley Dean sang “Feels Like Home” as Puente walked down the aisle and later, during the party, “Puente put on a special Hula performance for Morrison,” explained People. “He then joined her in a couples version.”

The newlyweds wrapped up the whole performance with a duet, singing Laura Benanti’s “Starry Eyed/Video Games.”

The whole evening took place at a private estate in Kihei on the island of Maui, Hawaii. Only 50 friends and family were in attendance — though chances are Sue Sylvester was lurking somewhere, attempting to crash and foil the whole affair. Thankfully, she didn’t. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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Kim Kardashian’s Stance On Bullying Is Clear After This Instagram

by 11 mins ago

Ever since she got married to Kanye West and became a mom, Kim Kardashian’s eyes have been opened to a lot of the evils of the world. She penned an open letter reflecting on racism earlier this year after giving birth to her daughter, North, and a few other racist incidents also drew a strong response from Kim.

But now she has another grievance to tackle: bullying. Plenty of stars have spoken out on the dangers of this particular emotional abuse, and it’s heartening to see people with these kind of platforms using them for good.

It may be a simple Instagram, but the brief set of stories is a compelling reminder of the way bullying can impact all of us.

She also took a moment to call out the people who bully her with mean, derogatory comments. “You think you know but sometimes you just don’t #IHateBullying #MeanCommentsIsBullyingTo,” she captioned the photo. Everyone has their own sore spots and we need to be respectful and courteous whenever possible, whether it be to a celebrity like Kim or one of our acquaintances. It’s an important reminder.

If you or someone you know is suffering from bullying, visit A Thin Line for resources and support.

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


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This ‘Walking Dead’ Parody Reveals The Real Zombies—Drunk People

by 35 mins ago

The truth is: zombies already live and walk among us. Sure, they might not be all putrid flesh and monotone-bleats of “Brains!” but they’re certainly no less scary in a “The Walking Dead” sort of way. Because really that’s what they are: meet “The Walking Drunk.”

Created by the YouTube folks over at Marca Blanca (they do a lot of video parodies that involve goats), “The Walking Drunk” lets us in on a little secret while simultaneously celebrating the fifth season of the AMC series: those shuffling mouth-breathers better known as zombies have already ingratiated themselves into the public sphere!

We just don’t always notice them because they’re usually toppled over or passed out in the grass from one too many Long Island Iced Teas. When they’re on the go? Positively frightful, but rarely are their movements documented so well.

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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A Pumpkin Festival Went So Horribly Wrong That It Turned Into An All-Night Riot

by 6 mins ago

In 2014, even an annual pumpkin festival can lead to police in riot gear.

That was the scene at the Keene Pumpkin Festival late Saturday night (October 18) and early Sunday morning as an estimated 4,000 students from the nearby Keene State College in New Hampshire, University of New Hampshire, the University of Rhode Island, and University of Massachusetts turned their celebration into a full-out riot.

The festival typically serves as a celebration of fall and a competition of sorts as locals try to set a world record for the largest number of pumpkins in one location (last year, festival goers set a record with 30,581 carved and lit jack-o-lantern pumpkins). However, that was not the case this year as thousands wreaked havoc throughout the night prompting aggressive reactions from local police to end the rioting.

Unlike recent protests from young people over democracy in Hong Kong or the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, the cause for this actual riot is still unclear.

“I watched cops roll in, I watched the fire department roll in, I watched state troopers roll in with their batons out, ready to take on the crowd,” said Julie Conlon, a 23-year-old graduate from the university, to the Boston Globe. “It was crazy.”

At least 30 people were injured and 14 were arrested as local police donned riot gear and used tear gas, canine units, tasers, ...

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