What did you do when you were 17? Finally get your license? Share your first, awkward kiss? Get smashed for the first time and call that dude you had your first, awkward kiss with after breaking up in that car you got your license to drive?
While we’re sure you had a very eventful Sweet Seventeen, we’re guessing that Lorde has you all beat. Come to think of it, she has pretty much every famous musician beat, too.
In mere days, Lorde will have the chance to add an iconic honor to her growing metaphorical and literal trophy shelf: a VMA. The 17-year-old singer is nominated for two awards in the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards — Best Rock Video and Best Female Video. When she heard about her nominations, the Kiwi musician seemed confused, tweeting, “wowzer … vma nominations! OMG i am the black sheep of both my categories hahahaha.”
Um, but are you really, Ella? You’ve achieved more in roughly 12 months than a lot of musicians have in their lifetimes. You may seem wise beyond your years but, dude, you have lived.
Let’s talk a walk down Lorde’s gold-paved memory lane before she hits the red carpet come August 24:
First, She Had That #1 Single
Ever heard of a little song called “Royals”? Unless you lack ears, you probably have. Not only did it hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, the track — and Lorde — also made history. Lorde is officially the youngest solo artist ...
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