Time travel is complicated. For example: on August 23, you’ll get to meet the twelfth man to hold the name “Doctor Who” when the show returns on BBC and BBC America. But before that, on July 23 you’ll get to read the ongoing comic book adventures on the tenth and eleventh Doctors, courtesy of Titan Comics.
Except – and here’s where the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff comes in – you can read an exclusive preview of a page from each book right now, here on MTV News!
The tenth Doctor’s book (played on TV by David Tennant) is written by Nick Adadzis, with art by Alice X Zhang and Elena Casagrande. The adventure begins after the departure of Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) in the fourth series (2008), and picks up on the Day of The Dead in NYC.
Titan Comics
Titan Comics
Meanwhile, Matt Smith’s eleven is co-written by Al Ewing and Rob Williams, with art by Alice X Zhang and Simon Fraser. This title takes place after Smith’s first series as the Doctor, without fan-favorite companion Amy Pond.
Titan Comics
Titan Comics
Both books are available in finer comic book shops everywhere on July 23, from Titan Comics! Watch a trailer preview here:

Writer/Editor at MTV News. You can follow him on Twitter, but not in real life because that would be weird.