March 7, 2025

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

New Music From Radiohead Could Be Here Sooner Than You Think

by 26 mins ago

New music from Radiohead might be on the way!

Guitarist Johnny Greenwood told Mary Anne Hobbes’ of the BBC 6Music show that the band will be heading to the studio in September to record new music.

“We’re going to start up in September, playing, rehearsing and recording and see how it’s sounding,” Greenwood said.

The group’s last album together was 2011′s King Of Limbs, and since they finished touring for its release, they’ve all been pursuing solo projects. Specifically, Thom Yorke has been touring with his side project Atoms For Peace, a supergroup of sorts that includes the Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea and longtime Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich among others.

Earlier in the year, Johnny’s brother Colin Greenwood who plays bass for Radiohead, said plans were up in the air.

“It’s all up in the air at the minute. Thom’s just come back from touring Atoms For Peace and he’s having some quiet time,” Colin said. “I’m sorry to be vague but we’re all just taking it easy at the moment. Just enjoying being at home and hanging out really. But at the same time, the vibe is very much Oxford and all good! It’s like that.”

Does this mean a new album? New songs? Could a record feasibly come together before the end of the year? We have so many more questions! Guess we’ll wait till September and see if any other reports of new music and recording sessions begin to surface.

These 17 Music-Themed YA Books Could Be Your Life

by 27 mins ago

If you do one thing this summery weekend, please promise it won’t be whine to your friends and parents alike: “I’m bored.” If those words even teeter on the edge of your tongue, you best look at this amazing list of music-themed YA books I’ve compiled for you to attack with literary gusto this steamy weekend. Indoor kids, unite!

In the summer, there’s nothing better than reading in the sunshine or sweating the night away at a loud, loud show. Well, now you can combine those two activities, as I have found a passel of amazing books that will erase the word “bored” from your brainpan once and for all.

And, I’ll do you one better: I asked the authors of a few of those books to suggest still more tomes for you to tear through before the calendar flips to fall.

Fire up your library card.

1). “Girl,” By Blake Nelson


Whether you’re just “finding yourself” (ew, I know) as a teen or doing so belatedly as an adult, Blake Nelson’s devastatingly accurate portrayal of teenage Andrea Marr’s entrance into the Portland music scene is for you. Pull on your ill-fitting thrift store dress and start experimenting with the Manic Panic in prep.

2). “Eleanor & Park,” By Rainbow Rowell


Two outsider kids who bond over their mutual love of Joy Division on that gauntlet of high school shame, the school bus? Yes please. This book will make you cry harder than “The Fault In ...

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‘The Flash’ And ‘Arrow’ Get Their Own Action Figures

by 14 mins ago

You won’t get to see Grant Gustin as “The Flash” on The CW until this Fall, but before that, you can make him do whatever you want, as his take on DC Comics’ Scarlet Speedster finally has its own action figure. Not only that, but as just announced by DC Collectibles, “Arrow” is getting new action figures, as well.

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The Flash is probably the most exciting, just because he hasn’t been featured as an collectible yet. You know, what with being brand new and all. But the figure shows off the deeper red of the new costume, as well as Gustin’s distinctive visage.

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Yeeeeeah, shirtless Stephen Amell. Woot. Also, there’s the impaled Deathstroke mask, an iconic image from “Arrow.”

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Also, Deathstroke, the villain who terrorized Starling last season.

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And Black Canary! Though Caity Lotz may have headed for unknown areas with the League of Assassins at the end of season two, we’ll always have this action figure. Always.

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And finally, The Arrow himself. All of these figures (and way more) will be available at San Diego Comic-Con in booth #1915, so head over there and demand they make an #Olicity figurine or rioting will ensue.

What do you think of these new DC Collectibles?

Writer/Editor at MTV News. You can follow him on Twitter, but not in real life because that would ...

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Insane Clown Posse’s Juggalo Lawyer Will Not Give Up Fight Against The FBI’s Gang Classification

by 26 mins ago

According to the Insane Clown Posse’s Juggalo lawyer, Farris F. Haddad, his love of the rap duo could lose him his law license, as fans of the band are classified as a gang by Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Gang Intelligence Center.

Haddad, this week, lost the battle with the FBI when ICP’s suit against the government agency was dismissed by a judge in Michigan. Still, he doesn’t plan to lose the war.

“I am an attorney. I have been a huge fan of ICP and have been a Juggalo since I was 12 years old,” Haddad told MTV News. “I could potentially lose my law license for going to a concert or listening to a band or wearing a T-shirt or something like that because, technically, I am committing a crime or associating with criminals.”

So how did Haddad and other Juggalos — whom the lawyer said have lost custody of their kids, their jobs and access to certain public places like malls and parks — end up in this precarious anti-Juggalo situation? Allow us to break it down.

The New York Times reports that in 2011, a report by the FBI classified Juggalos as “a loosely organized hybrid gang” that engages in all kinds of illegal activities — “felony assaults, thefts, robberies and drug sales.” A “small number” of them have, the report said, committed more serious crimes.

Examples include Jacob D. Robida, who attached patrons of a gay bar in 2006, prompting ICP’s then-manager Alex Abbis to ...

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Blood Orange Remixed Sia’s ‘Chandelier,’ And It’s A Weeper

by 21 mins ago

Blood Orange (a.k.a. Dev Hynes) has released what he’s calling a “remix” of Sia’s “Chandelier,” but it’s basically a whole new song that samples the smash hit — and it’s pretty sad-making.

“Chandelier,” although it sounds like a kind of YOLO club jam, is actually anything but — it’s a dark song about being a “party girl” and the toll that that can take on one’s soul.

Blood Orange’s remix of the track brings out the tension and gloom of the original, laying it out in a more obvious — but no less effective — way. Check it out below:

Brenna Ehrlich is a reporter for MTV News as well as the senior writer/editor for the O Music Awards. In the past, she served as associate editor at Mashable, penned a netiquette column for CNN and co-authored the blog and book "Stuff Hipsters Hate." She likes trying not to die in moshpits and listening to songs on repeat. Follow her on Twitter @BrennaEhrlich for news on cats and punk bands.

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Exclusive: ‘Batgirl’ Gets A Brand New Look From DC Comics

by 30 mins ago

DC Comics’ Batgirl has been paralyzed, put through the ringer, gotten her groove back, faced The Joker, tussled with Batman, and now faces her biggest challenge of all: a new creative team.

Starting in October, Barbara Gordon gets a brand new look, and team of writers and artist with “Batgirl #35.” Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher, no strangers to the DC Universe from their work on “Batman Inc.” and “Wednesday Comics” respectively, will write the book, which finds Batgirl’s house burning down, forcing her to reevaluate her life in a big way.

Additionally, the writing team is joined by newcomer, artist Babs Tarr, who along with sometimes artist Stewart, has revamped her namesake’s costume to be way more practical than the skin-hugging body-armor comic fans might be used to.

To find out more, MTV News chatted over e-mail with the new team, and we’re also pleased to show off exclusive first looks at the cover to issue #35, a poster advertising the series, and development work Stewart and Tarr did on the new costume.

(And to fans wondering what’s up with departing, much beloved writer Gail Simone: no worries, we hear she has another project with DC Comics that will be announced shortly. So stay tuned.)

Batgirl Promo PosterDC Comics

MTV News: Cameron, Brenden you’ve worked together before – but how has the collaboration evolved?

Cameron Stewart: Brenden and I have been close friends for around 15 years now, but we never actually got the chance to work together until last ...

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Nelly Performs ‘E.I.’ On ‘Wild ‘N Out’

by 21 mins ago

Nelly had quite a showing during his appearance on “Wild ‘N Out” on Wednesday night (July 9). As the guest for the new season’s second episode, not only did he show his comedic chops — like during his remix of the “Alphabet Song” (or is it called the “ABCs”?) — but he also hit the stage to perform one of the biggest hits of his career.

“E.I.,” off of his 2000 debut album, Country Grammar, still gets a crowd going as much almost a decade and a half later as it did at the turn of the century. As the St. Louis native kicks the opening verse to the early-career single, he rocks his championship belt with pride. And why not?

Make sure to tune into “Wild N’ Out” every Wednesday night at 11/10c on MTV2.


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Taylor Swift’s ‘Small, But Crucial’ Role In ‘The Giver’ Revealed

by 1 min ago

It’s been over a decade since Lois Lowry’s award winning novel “The Giver” was first optioned for film, but now it will finally hit screens on August 15. In the interim, Lowry has written numerous books, including three more in the series (ending with 2012′s “Son”), and clearly “Giver” is being positioned as the next “Hunger Games” or “Divergent.”

While the post-apocalyptic YA novel shares elements with both, the thought-provoking story of a boy who’s life is suffused with “Sameness” until he finds color, song and maybe love has a lot more on its mind.

Oh, and the movie adaptation has Taylor Swift. So there’s that.

In advance of the film’s opening, MTV News hopped on the phone with Lowry to talk about Swift’s role, changes from the book to screen, and how she almost filmed a nude scene for the movie:

MTV News: Obviously this had a very long development as a movie, I’m curious to hear what went on on the process on your side…

Lois Lowry: Well, I wasn’t behind the scenes, so I’m not exactly sure about the details, but I will say from my point of view it involved a whole lot of waiting! Getting to know a number of people involved.

From the first, Jeff Bridges was one of them, he’s hung in there for all of these years and gotten old enough over those years to play the leading role himself, which is great. He does a great job. For me, I was just sitting at home, ...

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The Horse Head Meme Met The President: Has It Jumped The Shark?

by 20 mins ago

So the horse head meme may have just jumped the shark (so many animals…). Tuesday night, a man in Denver, Colorado, shook hands with U.S. President Barack Obama while sheathed in equine-shaped rubber, therefore throwing the phenomena squarely into the middle of the mainstream.

The saga of the horse head meme is a strange one. According to David Wahl of Seattle-based novelty dealer Archie McPhee & Co., they helped the trend flourish. Originally, he told MTV News, the mask was an off-the-shelf factory item created some time in the early ’90s.

“It sat there and didn’t sell, and then we kind of discovered it and we thought that it would connect with our special brand of weirdo that likes our stuff,” Wahl said, adding that Archie McPhee started importing the mask in the early ’00s.

“We marketed it as not a Halloween mask but a dash of surrealness in your day,” he said. “That’s when it kind of exploded.”

By “exploded” he means that it became an Internet craze — especially on sites like reddit. Some of the mask’s weirder appearances — like in the videos of a Japanese performance artist known Wotaken, according to Know Your Meme — may be a bit too obscure for the average Internet lurker. However, you’ve probably heard of Dobbin Horsome of Aberdeen, Scotland, who appeared in the mask on Google Maps. You might also have seen Jimmy Kruyne of Washington, DC, jogging by in the horsey head during ...

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These Interns Basically Earn $81,000 A Year: What Are You Doing This Summer?

by 26 mins ago

Imagine making more money than your parents — before even finishing high school. For some tech-savvy kids that dream of financial independence is more than just some fevered reverie: it’s a reality.

According to Bloomberg, tech companies like Facebook and Twitter are scooping up teens for internships that sometimes pay more than your average parent’s salary. Twitter interns earn $6,791 per month — which is the equivalent of a yearly salary amounting to just over $81,000. Facebook shells out $6,213 per month ($74,556 per year) to college-going students and the top-earning interns, from software company Palantir Technologies, rake in $7,012 per month ($84,144 per year).

For comparison’s sake, a software engineer at Twitter makes around $121,556 per year, while a Facebook software engineer makes around $118,259, according to Glassdoor.

Granted, interns don’t usually work on a yearly basis, but given the fact that the median U.S. household yearly income between 2008 and 2012 was around $53,000, according to the United States Census Bureau, the amount of cash earned by those code-slinging teens is pretty striking. Also, there are tons of interns out there who will never see a dollar for their work, so it’s safe to say this crop of young people’s situation is special.

The teens chosen are, then, appropriately special as well — not simply copy-makers and coffee-slingers. For example, 17-year-old Michael Sayman, Bloomberg reports, was recruited by Facebook after creating a top-selling mobile word game. “He was the one paying for everything ...

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