March 7, 2025

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

Exclusive: Wonder Woman Goes To War In ‘Sensation Comics #3′

by 4 mins ago

Wonder Woman is right up there with Batman and Superman in DC Comics’ holy trinity of superheroes, but it isn’t until August that the publisher will be giving Diana Prince her own second ongoing series. The digital first comic, titled “Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman,” will hit online before ending up in print collections, and MTV News is pleased to exclusively reveal the creative team and cover to issue #3:

SENWW_003_finalCover-mtvDC Comics

The cover is by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, and collects the chapters debuting online via the DC Comics App,, iBooks,, Google Play, Kindle Store, and the Nook Store for $.99 on September 24 and October 15. The print issue will also hit stores on October 15, for $3.99.

Check out the full info on the issue below:


When Wonder Woman allows an other dimensional science-villain to capture her, she expects to swiftly deal with his android minions and save the day. But he’s able to brainwash her and that’s when things go haywire! Then, back on Earth, we share a rare moment from Diana’s rock-star days.

You can follow Alex on Twitter (@azalben), but not in person because that would be weird.

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Need To Know: Mick Jagger Blamed For Brazil’s Crushing Defeat At World Cup

by 2 mins ago

With additional reporting by Janelle Myers

Get Booed Like Jagger? No, Thanks.
Brazilian soccer fans are blaming Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger for their team’s crushing defeat to Germany on Tuesday, branding him as a jinx — or as they like to say, “pe frio” — according to Billboard. They believed he cursed them when he publicly supported Brazil based on the fact that the other teams that he predicted would win the World Cup – Portugal and Italy – were knocked out of the tournament. Who do you want Jagger to root for next?

Missing Toronto Teen At Warped Tour
A 15-year-old girl named Hannah Batty disappeared at the Warped Tour in Toronto after 8 p.m. on Friday, July 4. Here is a clearer look of her, and if you have any leads please contact police at 416-808-2200, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at or text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637).

Naya See Her, Now You’ll See Her Less
Naya Rivera is no longer a regular on “Glee” but fans should not fret too much. She will still appear on the show with a recurring role in season 6 but with less screentime reportedly by Rivera’s request.

A Disney Remake Of Epic Proportions
Another Disney classic is being turned into a live-action film centering around the adorable elephant Dumbo, and the person behind the movie’s script is “Transformers” writer Ehren Kruger. I can’t wait to see an ...

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‘Transformers’ Writer To Tackle Live-Action ‘Dumbo’ Next

by 26 mins ago

Well this is certainly not something this particular writer would’ve expected, but: the scribbling hand tasked with creating the words Michael Bay then uses to bring his “Transformers” franchise to life, Ehren Kruger, has been tapped to pen Disney’s live-action adaptation of its 1941 classic, “Dumbo.”

Who knew flying elephants and autobots had so much in common, eh?

For those of you out there that may have missed out on one of Disney’s more emotional old films, “Dumbo” told the story of a wee circus elephant-to-be that’s ostracized and mocked because of his unusually large ears. After a kerfuffle that results in his mother getting locked up (for protecting her baby! How cruel), Dumbo lands a mouse-y companion who tells him that, with the help of a magical feather, he can actually fly with those big ol’ ears of his. We won’t tell you what happens next.

Does this mean, with Kruger at the helm, that feather will be, say, a feather that transforms into a high-flying device?

In its live-action iteration, the story is said to be more of a family tale that parallels the old “Dumbo” journey. No word yet on who will play the voice of this teeny, ambitious elephant, but we’ve got our fingers crossed for star of the now-departed “Trophy Wife,” Albert Tsai to take the part because he’s just too adorable. What do you think?

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow ...

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This Robert DeLong Oberhofer Remix Is A Serious Dance Jam

by 29 mins ago

What would it sound like if an indie band — wielding a glockenspiel — stumbled into the dance tent at one of those big summer fests? Probably a little something like Washington electronic musican Robert DeLong‘s remix of Oberhofer‘s “I Could Go,” off of the Brooklyn band’s 2012 record Time Capsules II.

MTV Artists has the exclusive premiere of the remix — perfect for summer frolicking and raving alike — in honor of a new partnership with Glassnote Entertainment Group that will place jams by Glassnote’s artists (DeLong and Oberhofer) in the new MTV docu-drama “Virgin Territory.”

Check out the jam now — and picture yourself in the aforementioned whacked-out dance tent.

Brenna Ehrlich is a reporter for MTV News as well as the senior writer/editor for the O Music Awards. In the past, she served as associate editor at Mashable, penned a netiquette column for CNN and co-authored the blog and book "Stuff Hipsters Hate." She likes trying not to die in moshpits and listening to songs on repeat. Follow her on Twitter @BrennaEhrlich for news on cats and punk bands.

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Potato Salad Kickstarter Raises Over $50,000, So Here’s How To Spend Those Taters

by 12 mins ago

So we’ve all had a laugh and an eyeroll about that potato salad Kickstarter by now, yes? (Perhaps more of the latter than the former for some of us.) His initial goal of amassing 10 whole dollars has resulted in an Internet frenzy that’s netted Zack “Danger” Brown over $50,000 as of the writing of this post.

…That’s a lot of freaking potatoes.

Fortunately, Brown has a better head on his shoulders than we’d anticipated. While part of us couldn’t help but despair at the fervency the Internet applied to this faux-cause compared to its efforts to help real, honest-to-goodness effective ones, Brown’s commitment to “do[ing] the most good” has instilled in us a bit of hope.

During an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Brown commented that though Kickstarter’s Terms of Service strictly prohibit him giving the money directly to charity, he’s open to ideas.

And, well, ideas have we got for him! Because that $40,000 can buy a lot of potatoes, sir. In fact, according to our calculations, Brown can buy over 121,212 potatoes. That’s a lot of tater salad, y’all!

Now, if we go by the numbers alone (still can’t believe I did math for this, you guys. MATH!) there’s no way — with all that mayo and creamy, delicious goodness going on — that the potatoes would even last for how long it takes to make 122,000 servings of salad. In fact it feels egregious to make $40,000 worth of the stuff.

So we’ve devised ...

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8 Reasons Owning A Cat Is Basically Like Dating A Hipster

by 35 mins ago

Dating a hipster is basically like owning a cat. This is a stone-cold fact that we can back up with years of personal experience, extensive research, close, analytical scrutiny and, of course, GIFs.

Allow us to make our case below. Might as well start fitting your kitty for a pair of tiny skinny jeans now.

1.) They Like You Better If You Ignore Them

When it comes to hipsters and cats, the rules of psychics (which you dimly remember from those classes that you dozed, drool-soaked, through) do not apply: For every action there is NOT an equal and opposite reaction. Nope, if you shower either species with too much affection, you will get in return… an empty room (and perhaps the small cloud of dust left behind when those paws or Vans go spinnin’).

The difference between the two, however, is that the hipster likely has all kinds of complicated issues for fleeing from your love. S/he blames his/her parents for depriving him/her of emotional support and love and feels incapable of returning the favor when it comes to a prospective paramour. S/he doesn’t actually like you that much but doesn’t like when you display evidence that you don’t like him/her that much. S/he is too busy collaging pictures of his/her aura with Tumblr fan art and selling weed to get back to you.

The cat, on the other hand, probably just wants food and you are the food dispenser and you are not currently dispensing food.

2.) They Prefer Vinyl

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‘ROM: The Space Knight’ Returns For A 35th Anniversary Collectible

by 19 mins ago

Are you ready for the return of ROM The Space Knight? Related: do you know who ROM The Space Knight is? Either way, read on, because MTV News is pleased to exclusively announce a new collectible from Hasbro commemorating the 35th anniversary of ROM!

First, a history lesson. In 1979, Parker Brothers created a new toy robot called ROM, named after the read-only memory in your computer. The toy barely moved, had an LED light (one of the first uses of electronics in a toy) and by all accounts kind of sucked just a little bit.

That didn’t stop ROM from capturing the popular imagination, though, as many failures (it sold less than 300,000 units) often do. It was featured on the front cover of Time magazine, with an unflattering review. But it was really the tie-in comic from Marvel that guaranteed ROM’s popularity beyond the toy shelves.

Created by writer Bill Mantlo and artist Sal Buscema in order to spur sales for the Parker Brothers product, “ROM: SpaceKnight” far outlasted the toy’s shelf life, eventually getting cancelled in 1986 after 75 issues.

In the book, ROM was a cyborg (not a robot), tasked with stopping a race of hideous magic-users from space called the Dire Wraiths. Along with fellow cyborgs, called Spaceknights, ROM battled the Dire Wraiths throughout the galaxy, even ending up on Earth to team up with the Avengers.

In 1986, though, Marvel’s rights to ROM ran out. Even though the toy was (and is) out of production, most instances ...

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Need To Know: Emma Watson’s New Role? UN Women Ambassador

by 1 min ago

What Can’t Emma Watson Do?
Only a little over a month after Emma Watson graduated from Ivy League college Boston University, she is taking on the role as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, according to BBC. With this esteemed position she will promote gender equality and of course, the empowerment of women. The “Bling Ring” actor is excited and UN Women are equally thrilled to have her on board.

The Central Intelligence Agency Doesn’t Know Everything
The CIA responded to one of the most burning questions tweeted at them: “Do you know where Tupac is?” Unfortunately, not even the Central Intelligence Agency can tell you where exactly the late rapper is. Can you believe it?

Which Blonde Pop Singer Wrote For The WSJ?
Taylor Swift penned an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal about how downloading music illegally should challenge everyone in the industry to make their music too great not to buy. Despite the piracy, she believes “the music industry is not dying… it’s just coming alive.”

Miles Davis Biopic Needs Your Help
Actor Don Cheadle is trying to bring Miles Davis to life in a biopic as the director and the actor depicting the late jazz trumpeter, but he needs your help. The film has been independently funded and needs a little more money to complete it, so he started an Indiegogo campaign. Will you contribute?

Must See Video Of The Day
This College Humor video asks the age-old question, to selfie or not to ...

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Sia Steps Out Of The Shadows To Face Her 1000 Forms Of Fear

by 37 mins ago

A pop star who shuns the spotlight seems like an oxymoron in today’s world, in which celebrities can not only grab our attention through their torrid love affairs and transgressions, but also their Facebook updates, Instagram posts and those modern-day gladiator battles known as Twitter “beefs.”

But that’s what Sia is — a spotlight shunner. She’s an arena-sized musician who probably won’t be hitting an arena any time soon. She’s a song-of-the-summer-spinner who declines to appear in the video for said song of the summer. She’s a Greta Garbo for the modern age, but has somehow captured and held our wavering, fruit fly-esque attention by dodging that very attention. Now that her most recent solo effort, 1000 Forms Of Fear, has dropped, the question becomes: Can she keep our interest?

Subverting The Pop Forumla

1000 Forms Of Fear, out Tuesday (July 8), is not your average pop record — even though it may sound like it — and “Sia obviously isn’t our run-of-the-mill pop star,” publicist Lily Golightly of Golightly Media told MTV News of the musician’s rise. “I think that her reluctance to show her face and the reasons behind it (which she is super vocal about) is really interesting and almost art unto itself. I think it’s so rad that she can stand with her back to an audience but still give them a crazy amazing performance with killer vocals and interpretive dance.”

Yup, Sia’s star power is an interesting and potent cocktail. Her music ...

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5 Problems With Dating Someone Who Looks Like Your Ex

by 37 mins ago

Last month, word came that is rolling out facial recognition software in order to help online daters find people who look similar to their exes. You might think that’s creepy, but it’s also stupid. OK, maybe you have a “type” and that’s fine, but why would anybody want to date a doppelganger of their ex? There are just WAY too many problems that could arise…

1. Calling Out The Wrong Name

Especially during those moments when you’re tired or drunk or…in the grips of passion. There’s nothing less romantic than forgetting somebody’s name, and you’re guaranteed to mix up facts about them. (“What do you mean, this isn’t your favorite restaurant?”) Which means you’re also guaranteed to create yet another ex in your life.

2. Unrealistic Ex-pectations

Of course, if someone looks like your ex, then you might also expect them to act like your ex, either positively or negatively. Your ex is your ex for a reason, and a lot of what you remember about him or her might actually be negative — the quirks, the arguments, the fights — and now you’ll project those onto your new squeeze. Or, if you’re still pining for your ex, you might hold this new person to an ideal that nobody could live up to. Either way, that’s a terrible expectation.

3. The Inevitable Comparisons

You’ll always compare your current and your former to some degree, but if they look exactly the same, you’ll constantly be thinking about how your new significant other stacks up ...

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