America’s birthday is the perfect day to announce a new Jeopardy category: Bruce Springsteen. That’s right, as Rolling Stone points out, one of the USA’s best-known rock and roll artists has officially become interesting enough to warrant his own slot on the infamous trivia show.
On Thursday night’s show, the whole first round was devoted to Springsteen-inspired questions. The categories included several of Bruce’s iconic songs like “Born in the USA,” “Glory Days,” “Cover Me,” “The Ghost of Tom Joad,” along with a category for Bruce himself and one for his longtime collaborators “The E Street Band.”
If you missed the show, check out a brief clip of the categories being unveiled.
Bruce Springsteen – Jeopardy by mendle44
For diehard fans, the questions would’ve been no problem. Because all of us know off the top of our heads which song Bruce intended for The Ramones, right?
Those who were eager to share their E Street Band knowledge were led astray by the category—it simply focused on words starting with the letter “E” instead of facts about the band.
I guess this means “Jeopardy” won’t be included in Bruce’s old complaint about “57 Channels (And Nothin’ On).”