March 6, 2025

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

‘Who Is Bruce Springsteen?’ Jeopardy Bosses Up

by 48 mins ago

America’s birthday is the perfect day to announce a new Jeopardy category: Bruce Springsteen. That’s right, as Rolling Stone points out, one of the USA’s best-known rock and roll artists has officially become interesting enough to warrant his own slot on the infamous trivia show.

On Thursday night’s show, the whole first round was devoted to Springsteen-inspired questions. The categories included several of Bruce’s iconic songs like “Born in the USA,” “Glory Days,” “Cover Me,” “The Ghost of Tom Joad,” along with a category for Bruce himself and one for his longtime collaborators “The E Street Band.”

If you missed the show, check out a brief clip of the categories being unveiled.

Bruce Springsteen – Jeopardy by mendle44

For diehard fans, the questions would’ve been no problem. Because all of us know off the top of our heads which song Bruce intended for The Ramones, right?

Those who were eager to share their E Street Band knowledge were led astray by the category—it simply focused on words starting with the letter “E” instead of facts about the band.

I guess this means “Jeopardy” won’t be included in Bruce’s old complaint about “57 Channels (And Nothin’ On).”

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


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Taylor Swift And Her BFFs Are Celebrating The 4th Of July Momstyle

by 49 mins ago

Taylor Swift and a few from her BFF brigade are having the most momtastic 4th of July, ever, according to their active Instagramming. And no, she’s not throwing back brewskis and grilling hot dogs over an open flame — hers is a fête far more sophisticated than all that.

The singer and her buds — models Jaime King and Amanda Griffith — are on a weekend holiday of sorts, complete with cake-baking selfies and even a slow-motion swimming video. Because that’s what your run-of-the-mill, 24-year-old Americans are doing these days, right?

The trio of überblondes are currently hanging out somewhere beachside, and getting their patriotism on in true Swiftian style.

Australian Griffith, it seems, was getting her first taste of ‘Merican traditions with the cake-making, proving Swift is quite the ambassador:

But even with all that momming around, Swift still managed to act her age a wee bit, as evidenced by King’s chuckleworthy video:

USA! USA! USA (but not too loud. You’ll wake Olivia Benson)!

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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‘Begin Again’: What Do The Critics Think Of Adam Levine?

by 13 mins ago

Ah yes, fourth of July weekend. It’s one of the biggest weekends of the year for the cinematic box office, rife with blockbusters and mega-action flicks aplenty. But what’s out there for those of us who may not be so keen on spending their movie-watching hours digging into, say, a movie about autobots? There’s John Carney’s (he of “Once” fame) latest, “Begin Again,” which eschews singer-songwriters as actors for movie stars-as-singers (Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo) — with the exception of Maroon 5‘s Adam Levine.

Given the film’s indie feel, loveletter to New York air, and warm-fuzzy love thing as told through music, plenty of you out there are likely want to see it. (Director John Carney’s first film, “Once,” may have made you feel the same.) But is the film worth your time? And just how good is Levine in his big screen debut? We’ve scoured the Internet to see what the critics have to say so you know exactly what you’re in for when you head to the cineplex. (Yes, we said cineplex. Just go with it.) Turns out? Begin Again feels like the musical romantic comedy you’ve been waiting for

The Music is Fun
“I reveled in the charm, the romance and most of all the bevy of terrific songs, composed by Gregg Alexander, the pop maestro behind the short-lived 1990s project New Radicals. (If you still turn up the volume on your earbuds when “You Get What You Give” comes on, ...

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Is Lea Michele Pregnant?

by 12 mins ago

This morning, Lea Michele took to Twitter to make a very special announcement: the “Glee” star is pregnant! Recently, Lea was spotted out in public with her new boyfriend Matthew Paetz, but it looks like the pair are taking things to another level.

Michele and Paetz met while filming on the set of her video “On My Way” back in April, and it’s the first time that Lea has been in a relationship since her boyfriend Cory Monteith died from a drug overdose last year.

Michele, 27, wrote that she wanted to share the news with her fans before the media found out, and she hashtagged the tweet with “#BabyBoy.”

Does this mean she already knows the sex of her baby? Or maybe she’s just trying to make a Beyonce reference? Hopefully this isn’t another case of Twitter hacking—Michele’s fellow “Glee” cast member Chris Colfer had his Twitter account hacked yesterday.

If the news is true, we couldn’t be happier for you Lea!

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


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Happy July 4th: Here Are Celebs Eating Hot Dogs!

by 5 mins ago

It’s the 4th of July, which means it’s time for fireworks, fun in the sun (and sweating!), and shoving tubes of processed meat down our throats. Tubes of processed meat known as HOT DOGS! America!

Let’s celebrate the gluttony that’s no doubt surrounding you right at this very moment with some historic photos of famous people making like us normal folk. AKA, just eatin’ some dogs. No bigs!

There’s not much more to say on the subject (especially with a mouthful of Ball Park Frank) so let’s simply enjoy celebrities enjoying hot dogs, shall we?

1). Lady Gaga: Are you gonna eat that dog, Gaga, or cover it in varnish and wear it in your hair?

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - September 12, 2011

2). President Obama And British Prime Minister David Cameron: World leaders that eat hot dogs together…

US President Barack Obama (L) and Britis

3). Maria Menounos: Hot dog duck face. It’s a thing.

Boston Celtics fan actress Maria Menouno

4). Heidi Montag: Speidi is so close that Spencer is enjoying Heidi’s hot dog via osmosis. Look at that smile!

Celebrities At The Lakers Game

5). Kim Kardashian: #YouDidNotEatThat.

PINK's Grand Opening At Planet Hollywood Resort And Casino Las Vegas

6). Justin Bieber: The two-handed hot ...

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Check Out Andre 3000 As Jimi Hendrix In The Trailer For ‘All Is By My Side’

by 23 mins ago

We’ve heard talk about Andre 3000 playing Jimi Hendrix in the upcoming film “All Is By My Side,” and we even got a taste of what it’ll look like with a short clip released earlier this year. But now we can really dig our teeth into the biopic, with the release on Thursday (July 3) of the first official trailer.

The trailer shows Three Stacks as a young Hendrix — pre-fame, in 1966-67 — as he works his way to become the legendary musician that he is now remembered as. The movie reportedly has not secured the rights to the late rocker’s music, which is much of the reason that it focuses on the years before he made it big.

Hendrix died in 1970, at the age of 27.

The film, which was written by John Ridley, who also wrote “12 Years A Slave,” opens September 26.

I'm serious about these snacks. Catch me @adamfleischer

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‘Transformers’ Producer Answers Critics Biggest Problems With ‘Age Of Extinction’

by 32 mins ago

There’s a rift growing in the world of “Transformers.”

On one side, you have the movie audience, who has shelled out nearly $1.3 billion worldwide for the series since it began in 2007, including the opening weekend grosses for this summer’s “Transformers: Age of Extinction.” On the other, you have critics, who have savaged the movies: none have been “certified fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes, with “Age of Extinction” garnering the lowest rating of any of the movies so far.

In the center of that rift is producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who has stewarded all four films along with director Michael Bay. On the eve of “Age Of Extinction” set to dominate theaters for a second weekend, and in the middle of a busy press week in Europe, MTV News got on the phone with di Bonaventura for a candid interview to talk about this divide, how he responds to the biggest criticisms of “Age Of Extinction” and where he sees the franchise going next.

[Note: MTV and Paramount, which releases the "Transformers" films, share a parent company.]

MTV News: First thing, obviously “Age of Extinction” had a gigantic opening weekend. It made over $300 million internationally, and I just read, I believe, that in China its up to $134.5 million, which is even out-pacing North America.

Lorenzo di Bonaventura: Well I mean, you know, you hope for this kind of result, but you don’t really dream it’s possible. That’s the honest truth.

You can be as bullish as you want about ...

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Aww, Look: The Internet Wants You To Cheer Up, Superman

by 34 mins ago

Aww shucks, superkid — why so glum? What is it about Zack Snyder’s “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” that has both you and the bat one so down in the dumps? Is this, like, a seasonal affective disorder situation? (I mean, it does seem mighty rainy where you are.) Or are you just feeling generally ho-hum because it’s hard to be a superhero?

After Henry Cavill’s underpantsless superhero was revealed Thursday morning on Twitter, much of the Internet found itself concerned over the heavy emotional weight the boy from Krypton seems to be lost within. And in an uncharacteristic moment of concern, the Internet took pity on poor Kal-El and decided to cheer him up the only way they knew how: through the magic of photoshop.

Like this circus-y take:

Or this smirking equivalent of photoshop facial reconstruction:

This tender lover’s embrace kills two birds with one stone (because man oh man does Snyder seem interested in super-sad superheroes):

So cheer up, buttercup! You’re Superman — don’t let the rain get you down.

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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So, Did Kylie And Kendall Really Write That YA Book?

by 37 mins ago

Kylie and Kendall Jenner’s YA book, “Rebels: City of Indra: The Story of Lex and Livia,” came out a few weeks ago, so it’s high time we meet the woman who put fingers to keyboard to pen the tome: Maya Sloan, author and teacher — and Jenner ghostwriter.

As we’ve reported before — when we premiered an exclusive excerpt from the dystopian book — the Jenner sisters employed Sloan when they decided to make their entrance into the young adult fiction genre. In a recent story in the Los Angeles Times, however, it was revealed just how much writing the girls did. The answer? When it comes to physical writing –writing — well, none.

According to the publication, Sloan wrote the book, but the Jenners’ creative director, Elizabeth Killmond-Roman, points out that the girls and the writer had many meetings via Skype and Face-Time to discuss.

“Maya wanted to understand our lingo,” Kylie told the Times. “She’s super smart and just kind of adapted to us — remembering what we said and the way we talked.” The Jenners also provided notes and edits.

“People are trying to take this away from the girls,” Killmond-Roman said. “But most art is collaborative. It was never, like, ‘Maya — go off and write 10 chapters and send them back to us.’”

The girls also helped conceptualize the plot. “We just wanted to do something different — not something everyone would have expected from us, like a fashion, high school kind of story,” Kendall said.

Sloan ...

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Nick Cannon Explains Why He Should Play Richard Pryor

by 11 mins ago

When Nick Cannon revealed a new look recently, it had people wondering: Why the change?

Is it so he can play Richard Pryor in an upcoming biopic?

“I’m doing the work; I’m working right now;” Cannon told MTV News, without fully confirming that he’s been cast in the film. “The movie is not in production. Let’s just say that.”

Earlier this year, it was reported that Lee Daniels was in talks to direct a biopic on the late comedy great. Though details on the movie are still thin, Cannon feels confident that he’s the right man for the role.

“I started in standup doing Richard Pryor’s material in church,” he recalled, adding that his father, a preacher, was a fan. “That was one of my first impressions that I ever knew how to do, is Richard Pryor, at like 11, 12.”

And so what exactly does it mean to do “the work”?

“Now that I am doing a lot of the research, and actually digging really deep and trying to find every piece of work that he ever laid his hands on, it’s like, ‘Oh, this is stuff that’s kind of already in me,’ ” the “Wild N Out” host explained. “Just as an actor, man, it’s things that you do to actually embody something, and figuring out people’s mannerisms…I’ve read every piece of material, every book. And you understand that he’s definitely a complex individual.”

And since Pryor had such an influence on Cannon — who has branched out from standup to ...

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