March 6, 2025

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

We Turned The Saddest Lines On Robin Thicke’s Album Into The Saddest Poem Ever

by 6 mins ago

We’ve all dealt with relationship strife in some form — but I’ve never had my marriage of nearly a decade fall apart (partially since I’m not married, I guess).

But I felt like that was my reality while listening to Robin Thicke’s new album, Paula, which dropped on Tuesday (July 1) and is named after his estranged wife, Paula Patton. Despite the moments of upbeat funk (“Living In New York City”) and catchy dance pop (“Tippy Toes”), the overwhelming feeling permeating the album is one of sadness.

Almost every song, to varying degrees, contains pleas, regrets, apologies and longing for brighter days — all in an effort to “Get Her Back” (which, not coincidentally, is the title of the album’s lead single).

Scattered throughout the project, the words Thicke sings are pretty damn sad, and make you wanna tell someone that you love them, and not let ‘em go, so you won’t end up feeling like he sounds.

But when pieced together to create a poem of desperation and deflation, like we’ve done below, those words become really, really, really sad.

Grab your tissues.

Best of luck, Robin.

When I kissed her, she pulled away, and I knew it was over
All that she wants is the opposite of me
I’ll wait for forever for you to love me again
‘Cause I, I just can’t stop thinking ’bout those days
I’m down on my knees begging you please, baby

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please

Now she’s locked the door ’cause you broke the key
At least open the doggy door
Baby ...

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Jeezy Announces Seen It All Release Date

by 26 mins ago

With reporting by Rob Markman

It’s been almost three years since Jeezy released TM:103 Hustlerz Ambition, and now we finally know when he’ll be supplying more thug motivation with follow up, Seen It All: September 2.

On Monday (June 30), during a conference call held by his label, Def Jam, the rapper announced that his fifth solo disc will arrive in just over two months, according to Miss Info. In May, the Atlanta rapper dropped the project’s lead single, “Me OK.”

Though we don’t know much about the album yet, one thing is for sure: Jeezy will again deliver lines to help you push through.

“This is gonna be your Bible, this is gonna be your manual,” he told MTV News at Birthday Bash in ATL earlier this month. “I’m not gonna tell you that everything gonna be OK, that everything’s gonna be alright, but the moral to the story is never quit, never let up. A win is a win. That’s what this album is about.”

“I never watered my brand down or diluted who I was,” he added. “That takes a lot of guts, that takes a lot of hustle and courage and ambition. So with Seen It All, it’s all that in one.”

I'm serious about these snacks. Catch me @adamfleischer

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Jay Z Gets Sexual With Beyonce On The ‘Partition’ Remix: Read The Lyrics

by 46 mins ago

If you tuned into the 2014 BET Awards Sunday night, expecting to see Jay Z and Beyonce perform, as advertised, you may have been a little disappointed when it came time for the power couple to close the show. They performed, yes — but not live in Los Angeles. Instead, we got some footage of their On The Run Tour.

But if you weren’t shouting at your TV in frustration, then you likely caught something just as — if not more — worth the wait: A new Jay Z verse.

Hov added a few bars to the beginning of Bey’s hit “Partition” in the aired video, sprinkling his classic Jay flair all over the raunchy fan-favorite. Not one to be outdone, Mr. Carter brought his own R-rated rhymes to the single, for his verse, which clocked in at just about half-a-minute.

On paper (or screen), it looks like this:

“Wet, wet skeet skeeted on the Met dress/ uh, word to Ricardo Tisci/ She like, ‘Oh my God,’ I’m like, ‘Nice to meet me’/ Damn, girl, you got that Versace/ Left the curtains open for the paparazzi/ A little TMI for you, TMZ/ Hope I get my on your D-I-C on your E-Y-E/ Uh, the K silent, I’m a Brooklyn n—a/ I let the K (sound affect) on you lookin’ n—as/ It’s to the death case you wondering/ I don’t need a hundred bitches ’cause my bitch keep it one hundred/ One hundred…”

And it sounds like this:

Ho-va, Ho-va.

Kitty Pedals And Pouts In ‘Marijuana’ Video

by 1 min ago

Kitty (née Pryde) put on her pensive face in her new video for “Marijuana.” And, apparently, learned to ride a bike — kind of.

“Wanted to share my new video for my most recent release, ‘Marijuana,’ shot by my friend Shomi Patwary and edited by me,” the rapper wrote today in an email to her mailing list. “I don’t really know how to ride a bike and you can probably tell.”

The song, produced by Chrome Sparks, is a hazy summer jam befitting its name that has us just aching to get out into the heat. In the video, Kitty pedals around what looks like Chinatown in her current hometown of New York City, rocking her signature knee socks and some serious malaise.

Kick push, coast, kid — and maybe put on a helmet?

Brenna Ehrlich is a reporter for MTV News as well as the senior writer/editor for the O Music Awards. In the past, she served as associate editor at Mashable, penned a netiquette column for CNN and co-authored the blog and book "Stuff Hipsters Hate." She likes trying not to die in moshpits and listening to songs on repeat. Follow her on Twitter @BrennaEhrlich for news on cats and punk bands.

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‘The Leftovers’ Cast Breaks Down All The Big Scenes From The Pilot

by 4 mins ago

Last night (June 29) HBO premiered its highly anticipated pilot for “The Leftovers.” And like most HBO pilots, it spent a good deal of time thrusting the viewer into a world without context, introducing characters we don’t quite know or understand.

But you know, really well shot, acted and intriguing enough to guarantee we’re coming back for episode two.

With that first 75 minutes out of the way, though, comes questions; and some of them, we were able to get the cast of the show to answer while on the red carpet of the premiere here in New York:

Spoilers for “The Leftovers” premiere past this point.

The Disappearance Of Eleanor’s Baby
Natalie Gold plays the mom at the opening of the show whose busy morning ends in her screaming baby disappearing, signaling the beginning of the Sudden Departure. So how do you play something like that, anyway?

“I have a 20-month-old daughter now, at the time she was a year old,” Gold told MTV News. “It was tough to play, but not hard to get into a place of, if the unimaginable happened, how one would feel, and freak out.”

And then, surprisingly, Gold shows up again at a bar frequented by Justin Theroux’s Kevin Garvey. This isn’t the last time we’ll see Gold’s character, though.

“I come back, sprinkled a little bit, here and there,” Gold said.

How Do You Film An Underwater Scream?
“It’s been in every single trailer!” Chris Zylka, who plays Tom Garvey said laughing, when asked about his underwater scream in the ...

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‘Redskin’ Is Officially Offensive — Even The Dictionary Says So

by 22 mins ago

The word “redskin” is getting a whole new designation on when it comes out with its next edition: It’s officially being labeled as “disparaging and offensive” — in all cases, not just some.

“In our next update, we’re removing ‘often’ so the label just reads ‘Slang: Disparaging and Offensive,’” Jane Solomon, senior content editor and lexicographer at, told MTV News.

There has been a lot of buzz about the word of late, as the Washington Redskins’ name was put in peril when the United States Patent and Trademark Office canceled six federal trademark registrations for the team name because it’s “disparaging to Native Americans.”

A high school in Pennsylvania also thrust the term into the public eye when student editors lobbied to censor the word, which is also their mascot, and the school board responded by passing a policy requiring them to print it in editorials and letters to the editor. They are currently considering a lawsuit.

“We have a Native American parent in our district who filed a complaint [against the term], so one of the editors started to listen to it — well, we all started to listen to what she was saying and then one of the editors suggested we should take a stand ourselves,” the paper’s student editor, Gillian McGoldrick, told MTV News.

Want To Know More About Cultural Appropriation? Hit Up Look Different For The Lowdown

Although the editors got their share of support, McGoldrick was shocked by some students’ reaction to the ...

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Need To Know: ‘OITNB’ Cast Rocked The Float With Jay Z

‘OITNB’ Cast Get Crazy Listening To Jay Z
The cast of “Orange Is The New Black” rocked out to Jay Z…on a float at the New York City Gay Pride Parade on Sunday! Our favorite ladies in orange and tan posted some group selfies and took photos with fans also.

BET Awards Highlights
There were a lot of smiles and some tears at Sunday night’s BET Awards. Pharrell opened the show with Missy Elliott, Weezy debuted his new single “Krazy” live and Robin Thicke dedicated his performance to his wife Paula and cried. Some winners from last night include Nicki Minaj for Best Female Hip Hop Artist, Pharrell’s “Happy” won for Video Of The Year and Jhene Aiko won the Centric Award. Here’s the list of all the BET Award Winners.

Surprising News From Zendaya
Zendaya dropped out of playing Aaliyah in the forthcoming biopic about the late R&B star. She revealed that the production of the film felt rushed and “wasn’t 100% there.” The “Replay” singer was quick to add that she would be the first in line to play Aaliyah if the right film opportunity presented itself.

Shia LaBeouf Struck Before
Footage of Shia LaBeouf leaked of him getting into an argument outside of a New York City strip club earlier this month. The actor was put in jail for “engaging in disruptive behavior” at the Broadway show “Cabaret” but was released from jail on Friday. And Liza Minnelli sent him a very interesting gift

Must-See Video Of The Day
Mother Monster would be so ...

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Artist To Watch: Echosmith Are About To Be The ‘Cool Kids’ They Sing About

by 20 mins ago

I come from a family of four kids, but the coolest thing we’ve ever done together is surprise my parents with an epic Christmas present. That’s not the case for the Sierota family though — the four siblings just cracked the Top 40 with their yearning track “Cool Kids” and they’re not stopping there. Following in the footsteps of the all-sister trio Haim, the siblings of Echosmith are poised to break out in a big way this year.

Ranging in age from 15 to 21, the band is made up of Jamie, 21 on guitar and vocals; Noah, 18, on bass and backup vocals; and the youngest brother, Graham, 15, plays the drums. Sydney, just 17, is the lone sister and does lead vocals for the group. Maybe it’s because they’re mostly still teenagers that the Sierota siblings are able to make nearly perfect pop music. These are songs that feel lightweight and summery, the ideal indie pop jams for when you’re cruising around without a care in the world, or getting ready to go out with your friends.

Since their dad is a songwriter and producer, it makes sense that Sydney, Jamie, Noah and Graham would be drawn to make their own music. Even when they’re addressing topics like in-crowds and popularity on “Cool Kids,” it has enough songwriting finesse to relate to an audience of all ages, which is probably why the song has been gaining traction with radio airplay and recently broke ...

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Wait, What Does Nicki Minaj Mean She Thought She Was ‘About To Die’?

by 39 mins ago

Nicki Minaj’s acceptance speech for Best Female Hip-Hop Artist at the 2014 BET Awards on Sunday night (June 29) was one to remember. She made our collective jaws drop, when she revealed that she thought she was going to pass away.

“The other day, literally, I didn’t tell anybody this, I really thought I was about to die,” she said. “Like, I was saying my prayers to die. And I didn’t even wanna call the ambulance because I thought, ‘Well, if I call an ambulance, it’s gonna be on TMZ.’”

The Queens-raised star, who had performed earlier in the night, then flashed her glowing smile, as the packed Los Angeles theater laughed, cutting what had been a tense and hopefully an over-dramtaic moment.

“And it made me realize: I don’t care anymore what anybody gotta say,” she said. “I’mma do me! I’mma do me!”

Nicki came out on top in a category with Iggy Azalea, Eve, Charli Baltimore and Angela Haze, the Young Money rapper was escorted to the stage by Lil Wayne to accept the evening’s final award. When she got there, she gave a nearly four-minute speech that mixed graciousness, confidence, and some jaw-dropping moments — which, of course, is why we love Nicki.

For starters, the “Pills N Potions” rapper stressed that her lyrics — all of them — are all her own, written by her. Was that a slight to Iggy Azalea? If so, Nicki wouldn’t tell.

“My point is, what I want the world to know about Nicki ...

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Nicki Minaj Goes All ‘Nicki In Wonderland’ For Her 2014 BET Awards Peformance

by 15 mins ago

Nicki Minaj flexed her versatility of Sunday night (June 29).

The Young Money Queen opened her 2014 BET Awards performance on a “Bound 2″-esque bike, spitting a fiery verse from her thumping “Chiraq.”

Just as we were sinking our teeth into her aggressive content, Nicki switched things up — disappearing for a brief moment, before reemerging to perform “Pills N Potions,” the recently-released single from the upcoming The Pink Print.

Surrounded by a trippy set, seemingly inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Nicki appeared from out of an enormous mushroom to perform the personal catchy cut.

There was also a weird, incredible, furry bunny.

What does it all mean?

That we’re ready for the album, mostly.

I'm serious about these snacks. Catch me @adamfleischer

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