December 19, 2024

Bask In ’90s Awkwardness With These ‘Whoa!’-Worthy Forgotten ‘Blossom’ Moments

“Blossom” fans, this one’s for you. Today, we spotted a classic behind-the-scenes clip from the ’90s sitcom staple: Joey Lawrence — better known as Blossom’s lovably dim-witted brother, Joey Russo — coaching his younger brother and mini-me stand-in Matthew Lawrence on his signature “whoa!” catchphrase.

Which, of course, led us down a black hole of “Blossom” clips on YouTube. Enjoy the #ThrowbackThursday behind-the-scenes moment and two other “Whoa!”-worthy moments from the show.

1. Joey Lawrence Help His Little Brother Master ‘Whoa!’ Catchphrase

Matthew can’t quite pull it off like Joey does, and watching him struggle to master his brother’s effortless mono-syllabic phrase is almost as adorable as when Joey steps in to help him. The brothers are well-known for their loving relationship, and apparently, it goes way back; Matthew appeared on “Blossom” several times to play “Young Joey,” and this particular clip is taken from the episode “This Old House” which will air July 24 on Hub Network, in case you track that sorta thing.

2. Blossom Jumps Up And Down And Screams While Meeting Will Smith In An Elevator

Everybody’s dream celebrity crush during the Blossom era was the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, a.k.a Will Smith… a.k.a… Joe Piscopo? In the clip, Smith tells Blossom that he used the popular SNL comedian’s name for his hotel alias—a nice inside joke for audiences at the time.

3. Blossom Has An Extremely Awkward Make-Out Sesh With Johnny Galecki TKTK

Although he’s now a member of “The Big Bang Theory” cast, Johnny Galecki moonlighted as Blossom’s love interset in the aptly named episode “Sex, Lies and Teenagers.” That “Do you want a soda?” and arm move were real smooth Johnny, reallll smooth.

And for those ’90s TV addicts, the show airs weekdays at 10 PM and 10:30 PM ET. Which is totally worth a “whoa!”

BRB, getting my turtleneck, patterned vest, overalls, and flower hat out.

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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