March 11, 2025

‘Batman V Superman’: Ben Affleck Wants You To #SaveTheBats

Batman doesn’t need saving. But the animals he takes his name from are another story.

The cast and crew of “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” have joined together for National Save the Bats Week, aimed at spreading awareness about “White-Nose Syndrome,” a fungal disease leading to the deaths of millions of bats across North America. It sounds like the plot of a bad Batman story, but it’s a very real problem, and everyone from director Zack Snyder to star Ben Affleck want you to know about it.

“These bats are on the verge of completely dying out,” says Affleck. “Not only would we lose an extraordinary species, the death of our bats would be catastrophic to our ecosystem.”

“A lot of people are scared of bats and think bats are bad,” adds Snyder. “But bats are incredibly beneficial and are responsible for a lot of our ecosystem working.”

Watch the video and head to to learn more about how you can help #SaveTheBats.

Likes pizza, punch and pie. Dislikes the Chitauri.


About the author  ⁄ Josh Wigler

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