March 14, 2025

Big Time Rush See ‘Booze And Boobs’ In Their Future

Now that the curtains have closed on the fourth season of Big Time Rush, fans are currently wondering about the fate of their beloved Nickelodeon sitcom. But it’s not just the Rushers scratching their heads. When MTV News caught up with BTR earlier this summer, they seemed just as uncertain of their TV show’s future.

“As far as we know, this might have been the last season, fourth season. There’s nothing official,” said group member James Maslow. “But either way, we’re focusing on tour, that’s our next mission and I believe we’ll do something after that but what it is specifically we’ll figure out after the tour is off the ground.”

In the meantime, one thing that’s well underway is their upcoming vacation. After their Big Time Tour wraps August 15 in Mexico, the guys are planning on taking a well-deserved break.

“We don’t know where,” said Carlos Pena. “But there will be booze …”

“Booze and boobs,” Pena’s bandmates Logan Henderson and Kendall Schmidt exclaimed in unison.

“That’s pretty much what a vacation is all about,” agreed Maslow with a grin.

While this won’t be the guys’ first retreat together (a trip to Hawaii last year served as the inspiration for their “Windows Down” music video) could it potentially be their last?

“Nothing is over,” Maslow replied when asked if the band would dismantle simultaneously with the show. “We’re best friends, we really are.”

“So you consider me your best friend?” Pena interrupted.

“For the purpose of this interview, yeah, but now that you said that though I’m reconsidering,” Maslow laughed.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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