March 13, 2025

‘Breaking Bad’: Why AMC’s Show Will End With An Even Bigger Bang

We thought that there was nothing that could get us more excited for the final two episodes of “Breaking Bad.” The drama has been on a killer hot streak in the back half of the fifth and final season, peaking with last week’s emotionally charged hour. There was no reason to expect anything different from the final two — that is, until co-executive producer and writer Peter Gould tweeted about a new development.

“I checked & it’s official,” Gould tweeted. “Last 2 #BreakingBad eps are 75 minutes each w/commercials. Set your DVRS accordingly. Better still, watch live!”

That’s right! For its last two episodes, “Breaking Bad” will be super-sized. Even after everything that went down in the last episode, two hour-long episodes weren’t enough to finish the story of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. But what is there left to happen that could be so important as to merit longer episodes? Let’s take a swing at it.

Minor spoilers ahead

We last saw Walter hopping into that magical red minivan that promises a new identity and a life free of whatever horrors you’re running from. As hinted by the cold opens during this season, it appears that Walter ends up with hair, a beard, and new glasses in New Hampshire, the state that appears on his new driver’s license on his 52nd birthday.

It would appear — especially considering the title “Granite State,” New Hampshire’s official state nickname — that the next episode will cover the period between Walter’s sudden departure from New Mexico and his return.

The title of the last episode, “Felina,” has already been speculated on to no end. It’s an anagram for “Finale.” It’s a Spanish word, meaning “cat like.” Some have broken it up into elements Fe, Li, and Na (iron, lithium and sodium). So who knows?

What we do know is that whatever happens in the final two episodes, there will be a few extra minutes of whatever insanity is in store for us.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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