March 11, 2025

Cancer-Stricken 5-Year-Old Gets His Wish To Swim In The Ocean Due To Philanthropic Strangers

Liam Myrick was diagnosed with neuroblastom, a rare form of childhood cancer, at the age of three. He has been fighting like a champion against the disease ever since, and now, this week he has been given the opportunity to experience the ocean for the first time. Who granted him this wish? None other than an older three-time cancer survivor.

10606366_658151980947832_4608720079442282724_nMiracle Boy 4 a Cure/Facebook

The Myricks, of Houston, Missouri, created a Facebook page called Miracle Boy 4 a Cure several years ago for their son to keep family and friends updated on Liam’s progress. The page offers a steady stream of positivity and unwavering optimism, and it also caught the attention of California philanthropist and three-time cancer survivor Rick Pantele.

According to ABC 10 News, it was due to Pantele that Liam was abel to travel to San Diego and play in the ocean. As soon as he learned of Liam’s wish, Pantele started creating the California dream vacation. He reached out to local businesses and arranged a two-week trip to the West Coast for the family that includes a beachside condo, visits to Legoland and the desert, an array of delicious food to enjoy throughout.

In addition, the philanthropist created a Go Fund Me page to encourage others to contribute to Liam’s mounting medical bills. The campaign hopes to raise $50,000.

liammyrickThe Desert Sun

“We’re very appreciative of everybody that’s put this all together, not just for Liam but for the whole family,” Myrick shared with California’s The Desert Sun. “To have the support from people we don’t even know is an awesome feeling.”

Pantele isn’t the only person that Liam’s struggle and strength affected, and reports that earlier this August New Jersey and Delaware residents also arranged a trip for the Liam. On his East Coast journey, Liam rode on a giant John Deere combine, got the chance to touch a shark and took a trip on a private jet fully stocked with snacks—not too shabby!

Sometimes it’s a nice reminder to know that people are pretty wonderful. Unfortunately, doctors fear that Liam may not live until his next birthday, so enjoying life as much as he can now is the focus.

If you’d like to help Liam complete his bucket list, which shouldn’t be something a child should even have to think about, go to Facebook and the Go Fund Me page.

David Dean is the founder of Serial Optimist and writer of things that hopefully make you smile. Find him all over MTV, Thought Catalog, HelloGiggles and “Google.”

About the author  ⁄ David Dean

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