March 25, 2025

Review Category : What’s Hot!

Lindsay Lohan…Again

Stop us if you’ve heard this before … Lindsay Lohan just blew  off another deposition in another lawsuit. Lindsay had been ordered to  appear for a deposition in L.A. this morning in her lawsuit with a paparazzo  named Grigor Balyan, who’s suing Lindsay and her assistant. Grigor claims  the assistant crashed into him in 2010 outside an L.A. nightclub and put him in  the hospital. Needless to say, Lindsay did NOT show up for the  sit-down. Sources connected with the case tell TMZ, Lindsay’s attorney  Julia Azrael tried to give the pap’s lawyers a heads up last week … that she  hadn’t been able to get in touch with the actress … but the depo wasn’t  rescheduled. We’re told the pap’s lawyers will be filing papers this week  … asking for a judge to force Lindsay to show up. If Lindsay continues to  refuse, the judge could simply issue a judgment against her and order LiLo to  pay a ton of cash. Read more: Visit the TMZ Store: ...

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