February 24, 2025

Chelsea Clinton Had Her Baby–And It’s A Girl

Former presidential couple Bill and Hillary Clinton can finally call themselves grandparents. Last night, their daughter Chelsea welcomed her baby, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, into the world.

Chelsea, who married her husband Marc Mezvinsky in 2010, announced her daughter’s birth via Twitter last night.

Chelsea publicly announced her pregnancy last April, but the new mom had been participating in panels at this year’s Clinton Global Initiative—the non-profit foundation established by her father—just two days before she went into labor. Luckily, Charlotte waited until her mom was done saving the world before arriving on the scene.

Chelsea’s father Bill Clinton served two terms as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001.

Hillary Clinton, who might make another run for president in 2016 after losing the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama in 2008, has said that she’d like to fully experience being a grandma before deciding on her future political plans.

Hopefully the whole family can take a break from politics for a while to hang out with baby Charlotte. Can’t wait until we get to take a peek at this new political baby!

About the author  ⁄ Sasha Geffen

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