February 24, 2025

Fabolous Thinks People Are Doing The Ice Bucket Challenge And Mourning Joan Rivers ‘To Look Cool’

Fabolous took to Twitter to rant about his disdain for followers who took the ALS ice bucket challenge or tweeted about Joan Rivers’ death to be “cool.”

“Such a follow, do what everybody else think is cool so that’s what ima do generation,” the rapper wrote Thursday (September 4). “Sh-t is sick.”

Does he have a point? Maybe. Was it super ironic that he chose to use a social media platform built on the very idea of following to call people out for, well, following trends? We’ll take “Yes” for $500, Alex!

The “Cuffin’ Season” MC went on to doubt whether or not ice bucket challengers actually made donations to ALS and criticized them for wasting water.

“Awareness was part of the goal. But donation is a goal. Cures, research, & treatment can’t be paid for with being aware,” he added. “I thought we was tryna get water for Africa & other third world countries. But this year the cool thing was dumping buckets for awareness.”

Apparently, all of the groupthink has made the Brooklyn spitter “sick of this generation.”

While it’s true that Fab has every right to post multiple rant tweets, we’re pretty sure the ALS ice bucket challenge was very effective in raising awareness and money and that everyone is tweeting about Joan Rivers because she was downright iconic.

About the author  ⁄ Maurice Bobb

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