March 6, 2025

‘Fast & Furious 6’ Cast Spills Secrets: From Near Death To A Prequel

The cast of “Fast & Furious 6” didn’t just unleash a tank on MTV with their exclusive clip from the upcoming movie, they also sat down for a 30-minute interview on that was packed with behind-the-scenes secrets from the set of the nitro-blasting series.

“MTV First: Fast & Furious 6” had so much packed into that half hour that we’ve broken it down to the essential five moments from the live stream.

Michelle Rodriguez Got Horrible First Impressions
It has been 14 years since the cast of “Fast & Furious 6” originally met on the set of the first film. While they’re all like family now, we were curious about their first impressions of each other. Michelle Rodriguez, as it turns out, didn’t like anyone. “I was like, ‘Who’s the Kenny Barbie doll,’ when I looked at Paul…. I thought Jordana was prissy ninny. I thought Vin was a dick,” she said, before adding, “and I was wrong about each and every one of them.” Nice save, Michelle.

Vin Diesel Gave His Infant Daughter A Car
The cast has driven so many different cars over the course of the six films, but for Diesel there was only one car that he could call his favorite. And he made sure that it had a special place in his life after the cameras had finished rolling. “For me, I like the red Chevelle. I gave it to my daughter,” Diesel said. He had been filming “Fast & Furious” when his daughter was born, so when she turned a year old (the same day the movie opened), he gave her the keys.

Some Things Never Change
During the interview, we showed the cast clips from MTV News’ first interviews with them for “The Fast & the Furious.” All four actors laughed at how young they looked and the kind of things they talked about, like Walker not understanding the need for cars, but Rodriguez noticed something that hadn’t changed. “I still have that same big mouth,” she said.

Diesel Almost Died Filming A Driving Scene.
There’s obviously a lot of movie magic at work in the “Fast & Furious” movies, but sometimes the racing action gets a little too real. Diesel was told to drive through a wall of smoke, but the crew failed to mention the tanks filled with gas. “Once I get to the gas tanks, it’s like two giant fireballs were shot at my car,” Diesel said.

Prequel In The Works?
MTV News’ Josh Horowitz shared some posters for potential future films in the series with the cast, and one stood far above the rest, in their eyes at least. In addition to an all-cat remake and a “Back to the Future” rip-off, MTV News pitched a bike-based prequel called “The Fast and the Furious: The Early Years,” which the cast voted the winner.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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