March 17, 2025

From ‘SNL’ To Animated ‘Jurassic Park’? Inside Bill Hader’s Big-Screen Sequel

Even months after his departure, most “Saturday Night Live” fans likely associate Bill Hader with eccentric city correspondent Stefon –a role that earned him his second Emmy nomination. And while he may be skipping out on New York’s hottest night clubs for his reprisal as Flint Lockwood in that doesn’t mean avid Stefon fans won’t enjoy the family-friendly flick.

In fact, what initially attracted him to the first “Cloudy” movie is the comedic vision of directors Phil Ward and Chris Miller. And while there were new hands taking the helm this year — Cody Cameron and Kris Pearn — Hader knew it would be just as fun the second time around, especially when it involves dinosaur sized monsters made of food.

The sequel picks up right one second after the original movie and progresses into what Hader describes as a “Jurassic Park”-style adventure — but this time, “foodimals” are the enemies, and they are the offspring of Flint’s invention from the first film. Hader described this movie as a “more personal” tale, one that focuses on his friendships and budding romance with weatherwoman Sam Sparks (voiced by Anna Faris). Just look at the tension between the two in our exclusive photo!

“I just thought [the directors] had such a specific voice — a specific comedic voice, and that they were allowed to do it in a big, animated movie was really exciting,” Hader told MTV News as a part our Fall Move Preview. “It was always a fun time.”

Well, maybe not always. Voice acting, it turns out, isn’t as easy as it looks. Often times, Hader would leave work “a zombie” after rounds upon rounds of read-throughs.

“It’s incredibly difficult, because you’re channeling all the emotion through your voice, and that can be very difficult to gauge what is working and what is not working. You can take a line and say it in 50 different ways” he said. “Almost every line in this movie I said in 50 different ways.”

And with all these different options, Hader explained, you never really know what the final product will turn out to be. But when he finally saw the finished product, it surpassed his expectations, especially the foodimals.

“I’ve seen them in action and they’re kind of breathtaking in some scenes,” he said. “The scope is definitely bigger from the first movie.”

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