December 19, 2024

‘Game Of Thrones’ Is Changing One Story In A Big Way For Season 5

As “Game of Thrones” pushes forward into its fifth season, fans can expect even more deviations between the HBO series and the “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels — including a very big change in the Jaime Lannister storyline.

In “A Feast for Crows” and “A Dance with Dragons,” the fourth and fifth books in the series, and a loose template of sorts for the fifth season of “Thrones,” Jaime is tasked with managing his royal family’s soldiers out in the Riverlands of Westeros. But a new video from the “Thrones” set makes it clear that Jaime’s story is in for a big change.

Watch the video for yourself, but be warned: spoilers are ahead.

The video (via Vanity Fair) shows Jaime palling around with Prince Doran Martell of Dorne, a character he very much does not interact with in the books. Indeed, as far as we’ve read, Jaime never winds up in Dorne at all. What he’s doing there on the show — with not just Doran, but also Ellaria Sand, the grieving paramour of the late Red Viper — is anybody’s guess, but it’s another sign that “Thrones” is doing its own thing, and not waiting for George R.R. Martin to finish those books up.

What do you think of the latest “Thrones” change-up?

Likes pizza, punch and pie. Dislikes the Chitauri.


About the author  ⁄ Josh Wigler

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