February 24, 2025

Here’s How Men React When Their Tinder Date Shows Up Fat

Have you used Tinder yet to try to meet a date? Britney Spears is newly single and using it, so I just signed up for the app too. Maybe that’s why this story is resonating perhaps a bit more than it would’ve before, but the takeaway is something that we all could’ve guessed: men judge women more harshly by their physical appearance than vice versa.

If men think they are meeting a traditionally “fit” woman and a heavier one shows up, they will behave poorly. Like extremely poorly. Sure, this isn’t a shocking thing to assume but watching it unfold in real time in the social experiment that the guys at Simple Pickup concocted is still a little unreal.

They created a Tinder profile that had photos of the girl as she really is—thin and very fit—and then had her show up to the date in a fake fat suit.

Related: Cuddlr Is Like Tinder, Except Without Sex Before Cuddling

Four out of five guys just up and left when they saw she was not a size 2—they didn’t even have the decency to stay around for a drink or try to get to know her. Some of them belittle her or blame her for making them “waste gas.” If there was ever a moment for using the acronym SMDH, this is it.

Watch their behavior below:

On the flipside, when women were met with the exact same challenge, their behavior is markedly different. All the women stay and some of them even react positively to the date! Even if they comment on his weight gain, there’s very little shaming and none of the animosity that the men displayed. See for yourself:

Odds are if this study was replicated with a larger sample size there’d be a little more variation, but it’s still a bit of a wake up call. What do you think of the results? Let us know in the comments.

MTV Weekend Editor. Acts like Madonna but listens to Merle.


About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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