March 22, 2025

How Did Big Time Rush Get Their Hands On Alexa Vega’s Engagement Ring?

Wedding bells will soon be ringing for Big Time Rush‘s Carlos Pena and his fiancée, “Spy Kids” star Alexa Vega. The happy couple, who have been dating since last year, announced their engagement via Twitter last week, with Vega proudly showing off her stunning engagement ring. But little does Vega know, she’s actually not the first person to sport the canary diamond stunner.

“I had it for a solid month,” Pena told MTV News of the ring. “But one night we were all hanging out and Logan [Henderson] is like, ‘Show me the ring,’ and I’m like, ‘Again?’ So I go and get it out of my safe spot. I’m like, ‘Here,’ and Logan puts it on his pinkie and Logan is taking pictures with the ring on. I’m like, I can’t wait to show her, and then all these guys are holding it.”

Following the boy band’s Big Time Summer Tour, Vega, who has previously been married, and Pena, along with his Big Time Rush bandmates and 25 friends and family, boarded a cruise to Jamaica and Cozumel, and it was there, on the first night, that Pena popped the question.

“I just have to say Carlos had a very nice speech and it started out with his dad giving a speech,” BTR’s Kendall Schmidt said. “And it was so cool, and he was like, ‘Dad …’ and they had planned it, ‘Dad, Dad, sit down, I’m going to finish it,’ and then he did the speech.”

Pena continued, “She had no idea, and then I called her out, ‘See all these people? They all knew about it and you didn’t,’ and James is like, ‘Yeah, cheers!’ “

Now that the proposal has been made, it’s on to the wedding planning, which Pena admitted will be up to his bride-to-be.

“I don’t want to do it,” Pena said. “But she sat me down to plan this because it takes a long time. So I mean, guest lists are starting to get together. But she’s like, we have to find a place, we have to do this, and I’m like, it’s like a year away, what do you mean?”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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