March 11, 2025

Injured Motorcyclist Says Mike Tyson Was His ‘Superhero’

When Mike Tyson tells people not to touch you, there’s a pretty good chance that no one will dare come near you.

That’s a lesson Ryan Chesley found out firsthand when the retired boxer came to his rescue after he crashed his motorcycle on a Las Vegas interstate.

The Associated Press reports that Chesley was on Interstate 15 Tuesday (September 16) night headed to Las Vegas when a taxi allegedly cut him off and sent him flying off of his chopper.

What happened next was like a dream.

Chesley’s attorney, Stephen Stubbs, told the AP that his client was lying on the ground when he looked up and saw Iron Mike, who had witnessed the whole thing and stopped traffic to rush to his aid like a face-tattooed guardian angel.

“He thought he was hallucinating,” Stubbs said of Chesley. “He thought he was in some other world.”

Chesley suffered torn ligaments, nerve damage and broken bones from the accident, but was still able to whip out his cellphone to take a picture of his hero.

Stubbs added that Tyson, who kept the 29-year old crash victim calm until the paramedics arrived, “just left, like some kind of superhero.”

To show his gratitude, Chesley sent Tyson a fruit basket with a hand-written thank you letter this past Friday.

“Thank you so much for looking over me after my accident,” read the note, according to Tyson’s assistant, Steve Lott. “It has to be the most reassuring thing in the world to have Mike Tyson telling people not to touch me.”

Lott says most of the basket — especially the pistachios — has been demolished by Tyson.

Chesley will need surgery, but he has been released from the hospital.

Hey, Marvel, can we get a cape on Tyson and a cameo in one of your movies?

About the author  ⁄ Maurice Bobb

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