February 24, 2025

Is A ‘Twin Peaks’ Reboot Really Happening?

Good news, Twin Peakers! That gum you like is finally coming back!

David Lynch and Mark Frost, creators of the cult classic TV show “Twin Peaks,” took to Twitter Friday (October 3) to drop a very cool cryptic clue that only true fans of the extremely quirky ’90′s television series would understand.

“Dear Twitter Friends: That gum you like is going to come back in style! #damngoodcoffee,” wrote Lynch and Frost.

The gum comment refers to the odd dream sequence Kyle MacLachlan’s FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper had in which he encountered dwarf.

The #damngoodcoffee hashtag, of course, was Cooper’s catchphrase about his favorite cup of morning Joe.

Although Twin Peaks had a serial cult following and was critically acclaimed, it only lasted two seasons in 1990-1991. Many people (us included) argue that the show didn’t last because it was ahead of its time.

Now, perhaps, thanks to the proposed reboot, it will finally have the proper spotlight.

The show was based on Cooper’s investigation of the murder of the homecoming queen Laura Palmer. The show’s name hails from the name of the fictional town in Washington state where all of the wonderfully weird things happened.

About the author  ⁄ Maurice Bobb

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