February 23, 2025

Is Iron Man Coming To ‘Captain America 3′?

Iron Man and Captain America back together again? Marvel fans should start getting their hopes up immediately.

According to Variety, Robert Downey, Jr., the man who brought billionaire playboy Tony Stark to life on the big screen, is nearing a deal to join the cast of “Captain America 3.”

Should the deal go through, it’s likely that he and Chris Evans’ first Avenger will bring the fabled Civil War storyline to the silver screen, opening up a new phase of Marvel Studios’ blockbusters to the already extremely profitable lineup.

Robert Downey Jr.Getty Images

The plot will reportedly center on the Stark Industries genius feuding with Steve Rogers over the controversial Superhero Registration Act, which forces anyone with superhuman abilities to report their identity to the United States government in order to police the public for federal authorities.

Stark is onboard, but the kid from Brooklyn is not, citing fears that the Act criminalizes people like him if they don’t sign up. The storyline would therefore make Stark the de facto villain of the film.

In addition to Iron Man turning heel, Frank Grillo will likely return as Crossbones.

“I can’t divulge who is going to be in the film, but I think fans are going to freak out when they hear about it,” Anthony Russo, who directed “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” with brother, Joe, told Movies.com last month.

Captain AmericaMarvel

Surprisingly, Downey, who is already locked in to bring his beloved character to “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “The Avengers 3,” was almost written out of the movie altogether due to stalled negotiations between the actor and studio.

Thankfully, though, it seems like they are working it out.

“Captain America 3” is set to begin production this coming spring for a May 6, 2016 release date.

About the author  ⁄ Maurice Bobb

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