February 24, 2025

It’s Time To Get Worried About Deadly Selfies

Sure, selfies can be glamorous when Kim Kardashian decides to plaster her mug across a coffee table book (and, yes, it’s kinda cute when you get animals involved), but now it’s time to have a conversation about the lethal side of these self portraits. In just over a week, there have been three selfie-related deaths — and we’re a bit alarmed.

On August 3, a 21-year-old man died in Mexico City while attempting to pose for a drunken selfie. Oscar Otero Aguilar was apparently out with his friends, and tried to pose with a .45-caliber pistol while he was under the influence. Aguilar accidentally pulled the trigger on the gun, sending a bullet into his forehead.

This was in an effort to post the photo on Facebook. One of Aguilar’s friends was arrested, while the other fled the scene.

If that wasn’t tragic enough, just a few days later, a Polish couple lost their lives while attempting to take a cliff-side selfie. The couple was snapping photos at the Cabo Da Roca cliffs in Portugal when they tumbled over and fell into the Atlantic Ocean. Now their two children are in the custody of Polish diplomats.

Another man was trampled by a bull while attempting to take a selfie in France:

A recent close call involved a young couple vacationing in Mexico, who posed for a selfie right as lightning struck a tree just a few feet away from them. Thankfully, that tale only ended with one helluva video to show later:

With this dangerous trend of lethal (and almost lethal) selfies on the rise, some car companies have even launched safety initiatives to counteract the problem. Toyota’s “Don’t Shoot and Drive” campaign, for example, used several car crash photos with Instagram filters to show the dangers of driving while distracted:


Yikes. All we’re saying is — let’s practice safe selfies!

A native of Grenada, a product of Brooklyn, a student of hip-hop.


About the author  ⁄ Nadeska Alexis

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