February 24, 2025

Justin Bieber Challenged President Obama To The Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has been catching on like freezing liquid wildfire, with celebrities like Taylor Swift and Jaime King, Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake, Ansel Elgort, Lil Wayne and Questlove getting in on the body-drenching action and nominating their famous friends to follow suit. But leave it to Justin Beiber to…ehem…elect the ultimate candidate for the next super-saturating round.

In an Instagram post, Bieber responds to his manager Scooter Braun’s challenge, saying, “Now I nominate Ellen, Barack Obama, and – who else? Chris D’Elia.” before cascading water atop his expertly-mussed coif.


Did Justin Bieber seriously prompt our nations’ president to dump a bucket of ice water on his head? And after the White House shot down that pesky deportation petition? Let’s all just let that sink in for a minute.

Justin Bieber. Barack Obama. Negative degrees of separation (literally). As we live and breathe, we never thought we’d see the day. Your move, Mr. President. Related thought: who would Obama challenge? Go crazy in the comments kids.

About the author  ⁄ Katie Calautti

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