March 6, 2025

Justin Bieber Fans ‘Dying’ After Just One Taste Of ‘Heartbreaker’

Justin Bieber has kept fans in the dark when it comes to what his next single, will sound like — until now. On Monday, the singer finally gave fans a chance to hear 30 seconds of the slow-burning jam.

The tune serves as the soundtrack for the commercial for his new fragrance, the Key. Over an R&B-inspired beat, the singer repeats the word “heartbreaker.” Manager Scooter Braun has said the song will end the critics’ “witch hunt” against the 19-year-old.

Fans are eating the tease up. In the hours since Bieber dropped the commercial, which features him driving up to a hotel in a sports car and later romancing a young woman, they have been gushing over the clip.

“Justin only says ‘Heartbreaker’ in the commercial and we’re already dying,” @BiebersBrows wrote. “Just imagine our reaction when the full song comes out.”

What surprised some fans was the way the song sounds. It doesn’t favor some of Justin’s other dance-music-influenced singles like “Beauty and a Beat” or “As Long as You Love Me,” but instead has more of a “Boyfriend” vibe. @Iifenote wrote, “I didn’t think heartbreaker would sound like that.”

“Heartbreaker” serves as the first listen to Bieber’s next album, currently dubbed his And it certainly has fans hyped for the release, which Braun has said will drop in a way that honors the Beliebers and will allow the pop star to really speak for himself.

“@justinbieber YO the clip of #heartbreaker sounds so sweet!” @jdbfeverforlife tweeted. “I CAN’T WAIT to hear the whole song! #BringItOn soon!”

But the tease has only left fans drooling to hear the whole track, which has yet to get an official release date. Bieber did promise that the song will drop “soon….very soon. #heartbreaker.” @swaggieebiebz shared, “i’m scared to go to sleep at night cause i’m scared he will release heartbreaker while i’m asleep.”

@kidrauhlah added, “@justinbieber if u want make [world better] u should give us heartbreaker but not ‘soon’. NOW! <3”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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