December 19, 2024

Justin Bieber Says He ‘Might Need Surgery’ — What Happened?

Lest you think that cliff-diving in paradise is all fun and games, Justin Bieber learned the hard way that jumping face-first off of super-tall rocks into the watery depths below can actually be kind of dangerous. Just one more reason why you should never go outside under any circumstances ever.

On Wednesday (September 24), the “Confident” singer tweeted that he “busted [his] ear drum cliff diving,” adding that his “Doc says [he] might need surgery now.” And how does JB feel about his predicament? It “sucks,” he admits.

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Should Beliebers worry about the future of Justin’s musical career? Nope, says the 20-year-old Canadian native. “My ear drum might back us up a little but I’m still bringing you this new music,” he reassured his Twitter followers.

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Damn you, cliff-diving, indeed.

Although not confirmed, the injury might stem from Bieber’s cliff-diving ventures over last July, which he captured in a now-deleted Instagram video. TMZ, being TMZ, obviously made a copy of the clip.

Bad at filling out bios seeks same.

About the author  ⁄ John Walker

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