March 21, 2025

Justin Timberlake And Justin Vernon: 5 Reasons They Should Make Music Together

Phone numbers can be exchanged for a miscellany of reasons: 1. To meet up for coffee at a later date, 2. To trade beard-grooming tips or, 3. To discuss a possible collaboration that would bring the music world to its veritable knees. When it comes to the reason why Justin Timberlake and Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon exchanged digits during a recent appearance on “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon,” we wholly hope for #3.

Musician Mark Waldoch caught the moment of exchange on Instagrammed film Tuesday backstage at “Jimmy Fallon,” on which both Justins made an appearance this week. He captioned it, “You know, just a couple of Justins exchanging numbers, right next to me, with Michelle Pfeiffer in the room across the hall,” but did not elaborate on the nature of the exchange.

MTV News reached out to Waldoch to get more info, but, in the meantime, we decided to let our minds run wild, imagining the FutureSkinny/LoveSounds collaboration that the two were surely scheming to discuss — after challenging each other at Candy Crush and exchanging emojis into the night.

Behold, five reasons why Justin Timberlake and Justin Vernon need to collaborate posthaste:

1. Those Beards

JT and JV can sprout face fluff with the best of them — a feat that not every Justin can pull off — ahem, Bieber. Obviously they should join follicular forces.

2. They’re Falsetto Friends

Not everyone can sing oh-so high while remaining oh-so manly. Because, you know, did we mention those beards?

3. Nature Nurtured

Justin Vernon recorded the majority of his debut album, For Emma, Forever Ago, in a cabin in northwestern Wisconsin. JT’s last name is “Timberlake.” Timber… lake. It’s spooky, right? Also, JT’s ability to cry a river is supposedly unmatched.

4. They’ve Got One Degree Of Jay Z

Both JT and JV have, in the past, worked with another famous “J” — Jay Z. Vernon added vocals to Jay and Kanye’s Watch The Throne and Timberlake appears on Jay’s Magna Carta Holy Grail, while Jay guests on both Timberlake’s The 20/20 Experience 1 and 2. Maybe there could be a three-way collaboration in the future? J3, anyone?

5. Justin Is Justin

Finally, we already know that Timberlake has the chops to crib on Vernon; in the past, the pop musician appeared in a “Saturday Night Live” skit in which he aped the dad rocker admirably. Timberlake has the soul of a Vernon inside him. It’s time for JV to return the favor.

Yes, all the elements are in place, J-squared. The stars are aligned, the ducks are in a row, the platitudes are officially running out: All you have to do is make the call. Don’t let this opportunity devolve into mere Snapchattery — the future of music is a swipe away.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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