December 27, 2024

Justin Timberlake For President: Americans Agree!

It’s nice to know that in these fractious, Red State/Blue State times, there is still one thing all Americans can agree on: a mutual dislike of Justin Bieber.

Yes, according to a brand-new survey conducted by Public Policy Polling, the Biebs is universally despised by Americans, regardless of their party affiliation. In fact, of all the artists mentioned in the poll of 571 voters, he was the only artist who was disliked by Democrats (54 percent), Republicans (56 percent) and independents (56 percent).

Of course, he wasn’t alone … Chris Brown, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z and Rihanna were also rated unfavorably by a majority of those polled, though, to be fair, a full 75 percent of those folks also told PPP they had never been “to the club,” 77 percent rated Classical music favorably, and 60 percent were over the age of 45. Then again, those same folks showed some pretty decent judgment: when asked by PPP if Rihanna should have rekindled her romance with Brown, 67 percent said she should not have.

On the other side of the coin, Taylor Swift, Adele, Beyoncé and Justin Timberlake all earned favorability ratings above 50 percent, and JT was the overwhelming choice when folks were asked which musician they’d like to see as president, being named in 34 percent of all surveys. Adele and Beyonce also were favorites for the White House, getting 19 and 14 percent, respectively.

Then again, perhaps Timberlake shouldn’t be planning a run for office just yet. PPP asked those surveyed how they believed JT should be spending his time — acting, making music, playing golf or getting back together with ‘N Sync — 40 percent said they wanted him to head back to the recording studio … and 31 percent said he’d be better off hitting the links.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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