March 1, 2025

Kim Kardashian’s Baby Name Revealed?

You could say Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are already “the nucleus” of the Internet. From the public pregnancy announcement at ‘Ye’s concert to releasing the baby’s gender on national TV, when they want to let fans into their lives, they really let them in. But when it comes to the celebrity pair, there are some things they like to keep secret. That is, until the Internet gets a hold of it.

So now that Baby Kimye is born, the people of the Net are buzzing: What’s the baby’s name? Well, at MTV News, we took it upon ourselves to compile the greatest (and silliest) ideas out there. Take a look!

Not knowing the name has a lot of people in agony. “It’s actually killing me that I don’t know the name of Kim Kardashian’s baby,” @gabarrattsmith wrote. Literally!

And though many people are just asking @kimkardashian herself what the name is, we have a feeling that she might be a little busy right now, so many proactive cyber socialites thought of their own.

“Kim Kardashian’s baby girl’s name ? Kilogram? Kilometer? Kandy? Kollection? #LOL,” tweeter @official_obena wrote, jibing with the Kardashian family’s obsession with K names (Kendall, Kylie, Kourtney…).

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“Hey @KimKardashian and @kanyewest, great Armenian baby name, Knar, it means Lyre or Harp,” wrote the helpful @nairilaw, keeping in mind Kim’s Armenian heritage. Similarly, @ChristinaDemirj suggested: “Imagine #Kim #Kardashian naming her baby an #Armenian name like Manoushag or Baydzarig !”

One Twitter user wanted to take a little inspiration from herself. “Kim should deffo name her baby girl Kayleigh as that is also my name 😀 @KimKardashian,” @KardashianJayy said.

Our buddy @PerezHilton had ideas of his own, even pulling out Kanye’s late mother’s name as an offer. “Is anybody taking bets yet on the name of @KimKardashian & @kanyewest’s baby? My money’s on #Donda or #KueenWest!”

@BrianCrimson decided to get a little cheeky with his hip-hop geekdom and tweeted this idea: “Kim Kardashian should name the baby ‘Go’. Then it would be ‘Go West’ like the Pet Shop Boys song #genius.”

With all the good ideas out there, why not simplify things a little? Funny guy @LiaamMcKinna did just that. “I think Kim Kardashian should name her baby Fred..” All right.

And then, of course, there were the downright absurd names. After all, anything can happen in the virtual world. “You know Kim Kardashian is gonna name her baby something ridiculous. Like Tostitos or Mascara or something,” @jtkola mused jokingly.

We’ll see about that, @jtkola. We’ll see about that.

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About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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