February 24, 2025

Lena Dunham Is Producing A Documentary About An LGBT-Friendly Tailor

Lena Dunham is getting into the tailoring business, and it’s not what you think. Dunham and her Girls EP Jenni Konner are executive producing an HBO documentary called Three Suits. According to Vanity Fair, the film will center around Brooklyn-based tailoring company Bindle & Keep, following several of its transgender clients.

Daniel Friedman, Bindle & Keep’s founder and owner, found inspiration in Rachel Tutera of The Handsome Butch. Tutera—who identifies herself as someone who occupies the “tiny space that exists between being a butch dyke and being a trans man”—had articulated a problem in the world of suiting: finding suits that had a masculine profile, but were fit for women. Common problems found by Tutera and other clients of Friedman’s were that men’s suits were often too large, and that women’s suits emphasized parts of the body that many that did not want to draw attention too either through cuts or darting.

Bindle & Keep services a variety of needs: suits for work, for court, for gay weddings, etc. Friedman and his staff have made a conscious effort to accommodate the entire spectrum of body types of gender identities and pride themselves on their relationships with their customers. Their efforts are obviously paying off as Friedman plans to expand his business to the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington D.C. and Toronto.

As for the documentary itself, no release date has been announce, but we’re already clearing our calendars for its launch. On top of being produced by A Casual Romance Productions (Dunham and Konner), the film will be directed by Jason Benjamin (OITNB, Girls) with Bob Richman (An Inconvenient Truth, The September Issue, My Architect) as cinematographer.

About the author  ⁄ Jessie Peterson

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