December 19, 2024

Liam Neeson Would Play Ra’s al Ghul On ‘Arrow’ ‘In A Heartbeat’

With reporting by Charles Webb

After teasing the DC Comics’ baddie’s appearance for nearly two seasons, The CW’s “Arrow” will finally introduce “Batman Begins” villain Ra’s al Ghul in season three. But other than a brief tease as to his revamped look in an extended teaser, we don’t know much about who will be playing him, even as the season premiere on October 8 rapidly approaches.

So how about Liam Neeson, who played Ra’s in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy?

You wouldn’t think the actor would be up for transferring his take to television, but as MTV News found out when we sat down with the actor at the junket for his new movie “A Walk Among The Tombstones,” that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

“No, I haven’t, I haven’t at all,” Neeson said when asked if either Warner Bros. or The CW had approached him about the role on “Arrow.”

Which isn’t that surprising, as the Nolan movies (and “Man of Steel”) have so far been kept very much separate from the TV universe created in “Arrow” and the upcoming ‘The Flash.” But would Neeson reprise the role if asked?

“I would, in a heartbeat, if it came my way, yeah,” Neeson continued. “Very much so.”

Which certainly sends any superhero fans’ mind racing, but before we get too excited, chances are “Arrow” will snag someone new for their take, rather than creating a direct connection with Nolan’s movies. If that did happen, we followed up by asking whether Neeson had any advice for whoever takes on the role on TV.

“They have to believe in their philosophy,” Neeson said. “Ra’s al Ghul absolutely believed what he was doing was ultimately saving civilization, and it was quite a good argument he comes up with. Throughout the ages this fraternity, that brought the plague to wipe out a section of mankind because it needed to be regenerated again. Very dangerous, but you have to believe it.”

Here’s hoping whoever does take on the role, whether Neeson or another actor, does have the proper belief in place. They’re going to need it to take down Team Arrow.

Do you think Neeson should come back to Ra’s al Ghul for “Arrow?” And be sure to check out “A Walk Among The Tombstones, which opens in theaters on September 19.

Writer/Editor at MTV News. You can follow him on Twitter, but not in real life because that would be weird.


About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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