December 19, 2024

Mark McNairy’s Vision Of Spring 2015 Is Travi$ Scott, Beer Hats, And Whatever

Always a NYFW highlight, Mark McNairy put together yet another chill but entertaining show for Spring/Summer 2015. The master of irreverent prep enlisted Travi$ Scott to walk in his show on Sunday (Sept. 7), modeling pieces from his latest collection. According to the designer himself, this range was inspired by American soldier on R&R during the Vietnam War.

Daisy McNairyColin Douglas Gray

As has become custom, McNairy’s daughter Daisy walked in the show (here she is above in the “FILTHY MCNASTY” tee).

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

And appeared in homage on other garments, as well. (Now accepting bets on how soon we’ll be seeing this daisy print crewneck on Pharrell.)

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

There were cowboy hats constructed from actual boxes of Cheerwine and Heineken. McNairy told us he sourced them from Beer Hats, which he saw in Salt Lake City and “flipped out.”

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Also at the show? Six Woolrich Woolen Mills outfits that McNairy chose to show on women. Unisex dressing FTW, y’all.

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

On top of his staple camouflage and oxford plaids, the designer experimented with a bit of tie dye, splattering it on button-up shirts and the above short suit.

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

All in all, the collection, show, and its soundtrack—an expertly disjointed hodge podge of country, folk, and obscure crowd-pleasers like Liam Lynch’s “United States Of Whatever” which served as the finale—upheld that sense of relaxed humor and general IDGAF attitude that McNairy is so notorious for.

Travi$ ScottColin Douglas Gray

Travi$ ScottColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Gabriela BloomgardenColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Chris BoshColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Travi$ ScottColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

Travi$ Scott, Mark McNairyColin Douglas Gray

About the author  ⁄ Gaby Wilson

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