February 24, 2025

Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’ Has A Director

Director Scott Derrickson has officially signed on to direct Marvel’s “Doctor Strange,” focusing on the master of the mystic arts. This is also the first real confirmation that “Strange” will be a part of the movie studio’s Phase Three.

Though Marvel itself has yet to confirm Derrickson as of press time, the director seems to be a perfect choice for the feature. He previously wrote and directed the surprise hit horror film “Sinister,” as well as the upcoming “Deliver Us From Evil,” which is riding a wave of positive pre-release buzz.

He’s also working on the recently announced “Two Eyes Staring,” which IMDB lists as being released in 2014, though work on “Strange” could, of course, push that back a bit. That said, as — other than an Easter Egg mention in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” — Marvel hasn’t officially announced “Strange” on their schedule, we don’t know yet when it will be released.

Meaning, Derrickson may have plenty of time to tackle another micro-budget horror film, then Marvel’s next big tentpole property.

If our clocks are set right, speculation on who will play the surgeon turned ultimate magician will move online to Derrickson’ previous collaborator Ethan Hawke any second now; though we’ll point people to Joel McHale, who Derrickson cast in “Deliver Us From Evil” and has plenty of time on his hands now that “Community” has been cancelled.

Plus, McHale knows how to play a repentant jerk juuuuust right.

We’ll have more on this as it develops.

You can follow Alex on Twitter (@azalben), but not in person because that would be weird.

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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