February 24, 2025

Mindy Kaling’s Vegas Birthday Party Pics Are Your FOMO Fix Of The Day

The most hazardous side effect of Instagram use has always been FOMO (which stands for “fear of missing out,” Mom), but this has never really been a huge problem for us until Mindy Kaling decided to take her friends and “Mindy Project” staffers along for her epic 35th birthday party in Vegas.

Now, before you start thinking about Vegas as a land filled with drunk bachelorettes in tiaras and even drunker bros in neon tank tops, hear us out — Mindy, as evidenced by the photos she’s been sharing over the past 24-ish hours, is doing Vegas right. No fruity yardstick at Wet Republic or $4,000 table at XS for Mindy, just lazy poolside cabana service, meatball-fueled dinners, and, most importantly, Cirque du Freaking Soleil. It’s exactly the kind of trip we’ve always dreamed about, but just didn’t necessarily have the budget to pull off.

So enjoy these photos as an Insta-Zagat guide of sorts to what you should be doing in Vegas, and maybe try to get a job as a writer on “The Mindy Project” so you can be invited next year. It’s probably not hard.

Book In Advance, So You Can Take Group Selfies With Your Friends On The Plane

Charlie looks like a pedo

And dress for success since the party starts as soon as you take off.

Head To The Pool At Caesar’s, Because You Can Gamble In The Water

Cuties at the topless pool

Also, it’s topless.

Bring Your Own Bros

@ikebarinholtz jealous?!

The ones already there have the potential to be… unsavory.

Reserve Your Spots In Advance, And Never Move Unless You Absolutely Have To

Screw you, sun! Thanks @mirandapberman for the pic!

Moving is what the cabana servers are for.

Order Snacks. Sliders Are Preferable, Unless You’re At Aria In Which Case You Should Definitely Go With The Chicken Tenders

Charlie looks hot here. Chris looks like he's worried someone's going to take his lunch away from him.

Also, hydrate. You’re in the desert.

Kick Out The Bros For At Least One Solid Group Shot With The Ladies

Ladies leave yo man at home

Because you’ll want to remember all of those snacks later.

Look Like A Million Bucks At Night

Headed to meet some swanky FOX affiliates in @rachel_roy @jimmychoointl and @thaleblanc

Rent that runway!

Make New Friends If You Want To, Just Remember That What Happens In Vegas NEVER Stays There

For cozy with some of my favorite Fox talent in #Vegas

Not every idiom is true.

Invite Fox COO Joe Earley, Because He Just Might Give You Presents

Handsome Joe Earley and me. He gave me this present which I totally didn't deserve, but I of course took.

Friends in high places equals cool swag.


Thank you @fox!! Thank you Rupert Murdoch, whom I sure chose this personally!

Wear Your Best James Franco Shirt For The Cirque Du Soleil Show

RG @loulielang: Smokin' babes waiting for Beatles Cirque du Soleil. #regramapp

Second best option after actually inviting James Franco.

Never Say ‘No’ To Free Champagne

Thank you, sweet @ikebarinholtz for the champagne!!! Here is a photo of it and my other drink and also @davidstassen. We miss you. Love you.

Especially if it’s from Ike Barinholtz.

… Or To Bathroom Selfies

I'm a pervert who took photos in the bathroom of Love

Vegas bathrooms have the absolute best lighting. And mirrors. So many pretty mirrors!

Take At Least One Solid Shot Of The Whole Gang Before Everyone Starts Drinking

#themindyproject season three writers retreat in LV

Unless glassy-eyed pics are your thing.

Gamble At The Wynn, You’ll Feel Classy

...and then there was a big crowd!!!

Same cannot be said for Golden Nugget.

And Last But Not Least, Show Some Love To The Friends Who Help Make Your Vegas Dreams Come True


…Especially if your friends are Emmy-winning writers like Tracey Wigfield.

Happy birthday, Mindy!

A real go-getter. Follow Shaunna on Twitter @ShaunnaLMurphy.

About the author  ⁄ Shaunna Murphy

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