February 24, 2025

MLB Crush Monday: Five Reasons Why We’re Diggin’ The Oakland A’s Josh Donaldson

There’s nothing like staring at a man in uniform to kick off the work week, right? In honor of MTV2′s new series, “Off the Bat from the MLB Fan Cave,” we’ll be spotlighting one of the sexiest sluggers in the game every Monday. Here, overall stats, batting averages and team standings don’t dictate whether or not a player gets picked — see below for why this week’s pro made the MLB Crush Monday cut!

Oakland A's Josh DonaldsonChristian Petersen/ Getty Images

Cali native and “Off the Bat” host Sway Calloway is usually outnumbered by New Yorkers on the show, but come Tuesday night he’ll have a West Coast ally when an Oakland Athletics player visits the MLB Fan Cave.

As we eagerly await third baseman Josh Donaldson’s guest appearance, here are five reasons why we’re already crushing on the Bay Area slugger we like to call the MLB Comeback King:

All-Star Josh Donaldson Otto Gruele Jr./ Getty Images
1. Hey now, he’s an All-Star.
In 2010, Josh’s baseball career got off to a rough start (he struck out during his first game as an Oakland A), but he’s since done a 180. This year, he’s one of the top prospects for the All-Star team. Way to go, J!

Josh Donaldson-bulliesHarry How/ Getty Images
2. He beat bullies in the game of life.
According to Wikipedia, Josh was often picked on in high school, but he’s clearly overcome that hurdle. Who’s laughing now, haters?

Josh Donaldson-hairEzra Shaw/ Getty Images
3. He rocks a daring ‘do.
Josh once made waves for sporting a hairstyle only Billy Ray Cyrus could love: the mullet. But shockingly, he pulled it off! Hey, we appreciate a guy who’s business in the front, party in the back — and who has a good sense of humor all around.

4. We’ve got the same taste in music.
And isn’t that often what it comes down to?

Josh Donaldson-eyesEzra Shaw/ Getty Images
5. He’s got a set of baby blues to die for.
Warning: Photo may cause dizziness after prolonged swooning.

About the author  ⁄ Eileen Reslen

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