March 15, 2025

Need To Know: Miley’s <i>Bangerz</i> Bus Goes Up In Flames

Miley Cyrus sure knows how to keep things hot. The singer’s Bangerz Tour bus saw some major drama last night, right around the same time that Iggy Azalea and Charli XCX stormed the “Late Night” stage and Lady Gaga started a worldwide Twitter trend.

Bangerz Bus Goes Up In Flames
Late Monday, Miley’s sister Noah Cyrus took to Instagram to share a series of shocking videos of an apparent Bangerz Tour bus going up in flames. After fans freaked, Noah confirmed on Twitter that everyone was indeed safe and sound. Scary, though!

Iggy Azalea & Charli XCX Continue Being Fancy
The two ladies continued touring together with a performance of their hit “Fancy” on ” Late Night With Seth Meyers” on Monday. Dressed in matching Cher Horowitz-inspired yellow plaid, dancing on school desks, the girls charm yet again with their music and moves. See the show here.

Lady Gaga Previews See-Through Stage
On Monday, Mother Monster shared a peek at her upcoming tour stage on Twitter. The stage stems out in a stream of acrylic glass runways which Gaga points out are transparent and elevated, allowing the audience to dance below while still having visibility. The hashtag #LadyGagaTourStage then trended globally. Paws up.

Chris Brown Ordered To Remain In Jail
The singer was arrested on Friday for violating his probation in an undisclosed way. On Monday, a judge ruled that Brown’s “inability to stay out of trouble” was grounds to keep him locked up until April 23. The singer is on probation for anger-management issues after throwing a rock through his mother’s car window during a rehab stint stemming from assaulting a man in October 2013.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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