December 19, 2024

Nicki Minaj Wins The BET Award For Best Audience Reaction Shot

Forget Beyonce and Jay Z’s “Partition” performance or Pharrell’s brave (yet, um, questionable) decision to wear Uggs onstage (or in public, or ever). My favorite moment from the 2014 BET Awards came courtesy of Ms. Nicki Minaj.

While Iggy Azalea was performing “Fancy” on Sunday night (June 29), the camera panned to the “Pills N Potions” rapper in the audience. Without missing a beat, Nicki was posing for the cameras, giving major duckface, and dancing all seductively without ever breaking eye contact.

Needless to say, I felt morally obligated to make GIFs out of this already-iconic moment in the history of Her Minajesty. I literally couldn’t have created a better “Me at Your Son’s Open-Bar Wedding Reception” GIF set if I’d tried.

It’s likely this moment will be used as further evidence that Nicki and Iggy have some kind of silent beef brewing. Many wondered if part of the Queens rapper’s acceptance speech for Best Female Hip Hop Artist (“When you hear Nicki Minaj spit, Nicki Minaj wrote it.”) was meant as a slight against the Aussie native.

Factually speaking, one thing is certain: Nicki Minaj is the new queen of the awards-show audience reaction shots. Sorry, Taylor Swift!

About the author  ⁄ John Walker

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