March 11, 2025

Norman Reedus Might Have Just Tweeted A Giant ‘Walking Dead’ Spoiler

In what is either a giant spoiler, a marvelous joke, or some bizarre combination of the two, Norman Reedus tweeted out a photo today that raises some interesting questions about what’s in store for his character on the upcoming season of “The Walking Dead.”

The pic shows Reedus, decked out in full Daryl Dixon regalia, being… er, attended to by a man we believe is the show’s special-effects guru Greg Nicotero. And then, of course, there’s the caption.

So, what in the name of all that is dead and walking is going on here? We’ve got a few potential theories.

1. “The Walking Dead” is now “The Wedding Dead.”
Picture this: a plotline which not only solves the much-discussed mystery of Daryl Dixon’s sexual orientation, but also satisfies viewers’ longtime lust for a big gay wedding in every sense of the word. Seeing Daryl get married to a guest-starring Greg Nicotero would totally make up for the disappointment of Glenn and Maggie tying the knot off-screen last season, not to mention providing a charming subplot about the challenges of wedding planning in a world full of walkers. We’re thinking zombie innards strung up like garlands; severed head centerpieces; Michonne playing double duty as maid of honor and head security guard; and of course, Daryl stealing the spotlight in a beautiful, formal poncho.

2. Daryl Dixon will give his friends a hand.
Let’s be honest: upon examination of Daryl’s digits, ol’ righty is looking undeniably necrotic. Could he be the show’s latest victim of a limb-specific infection, one which he can only survive with a hasty lopping-off? Let’s just say that it’s possible. Not only is there a precedent for amputation as a life-saving measure in the “Walking Dead” universe, but without revealing too much about potential plot points, it’s common knowledge among the show’s fans that in the original graphic novels, a significant character does lose a hand.

3. Situation normal: blood and guts.
And finally, the theory that’s least fun but most likely: with Daryl well-established as the show’s most prolific zombie-killer (and without any news about Greg Nicotero joining the cast this season) it’s a reasonable guess that this pic shows Reedus receiving some behind-the-scenes SFX attention from the show’s master makeup artist. Why? Probably because he’s just plunged his hand into a walker’s innards and is now covered in goo. You know, for a change.

About the author  ⁄ Kat Rosenfield

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