February 28, 2025

Rihanna Sweetened Up Raunchy ‘This Is The End’ Cameo

Of the dozens of stars who appear in Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s “This Is The End,” Rihanna might be the most unexpected. Unlike Jay Baruchel, James Franco, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson, the singer hardly has a comedic pedigree and seems about as far from their brand of puerile humor as a performer could get. But Craig Robinson told MTV News that she made some truly memorable contributions in a brief cameo.

“She just improvised and was fun. It was nice to be playing and singing with Rihanna,” Robinson explained, but Rogen revealed there was a raunchier part of the story.

“You told her to take her panties off,” Rogen said.

“Yeah, and she told me f— off,” Robinson countered.

Rogen enlisted a massive group of people to appear in the film, but he insisted that he wanted them to have fun and participate in only the ways they wanted, which is why he was reluctant to insist that the singer perform a tune on camera.

“I didn’t want to ask her to sing,” he admitted. “Me and Evan were like, should we ask her to sing? First, we didn’t even want to put her in the scene with Craig singing, like it’s too much — Rihanna singing — and we didn’t want to ask her to sing. So Craig thankfully sang at her and she sang back.”

Robinson said that she was a game collaborator. “She did a little move like, ‘come on Craig.’ But she couldn’t have been sweeter. I had never met her before but the first thing she did was hug me.” Rogen added that despite her glamorous lifestyle, she gave them no trouble when time came to film her scenes.

“I’d never met her either,” he said. “She was so nice. Very low key, low maintenance.”

Check out everything we’ve got on “This Is The End.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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