March 5, 2025

Schoolboy Q Recruits Raekwon To Bring Chef’s Touch To <i>Oxymoron</i>

Schoolboy Q is busy cooking up his major-label debut, but before Oxymoron is ready, Q hopes to add the flavor from Wu-Tang Clan‘s head chef.

“I’m trying to get Raekwon on this record,” the Los Angeles up-and-comer told MTV News while on the set for his upcoming music video on July 2.

While on the Red Carpet for the 2013 Bet Awards, Q hinted that he was looking to work with one of the members of the hip-hop collective on his upcoming album in an interview with, but never specified which one until now. “Me and Raekwon, we’ve been talking and we’ve been trying to get a record, and I think I finally found the record for him,” he said, even though the song isn’t complete yet. “I’ma say thank you ahead of time to the Chef.”

Q says he would’ve loved to collaborate with deceased Wu-member Ol’ Dirty Bastard, but the Brooklyn MC passed away in 2004, seven years before Schoolboy dropped his debut independent album, Setbacks. “I couldn’t get ODB, may he rest in peace, he’s long gone and that’s who I really wanted,” he said.

This year Wu-Tang Clan are celebrating their 20-year anniversary as a group performing at Coachella, Hot 97’s Summer Jam and Bonnaroo and hope to drop their sixth group effort before December is through.

The Black Hippy lyricist confirms that he has been working with J. Cole, Pharrell Williams, Nez & Rio and Digi+Phonics for production on Oxymoron, but at the time of our interview seemed to be the most excited about Raekwon.

“He’s one of the illest dudes on the east coast that ever did it,” Q saluted. “Just that ‘C.R.E.A.M.’ verse alone, just that verse alone says a lot about him.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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