March 10, 2025

Selena Gomez’s <i>Stars Dance</i> Ices Her 21st Birthday Cake

Selena Gomez not only turned 21 recently, but she also dropped her new album, Stars Dance, on Tuesday (July 23). And in a lot of ways, this release celebrates her growth as a pop artist, but also as a woman.

“It’s not something just wanting to make a statement. It’s just kind of acknowledging the fact that I’m turning 21 and that I am becoming a woman,” Selena told MTV News. “And, it’s beautiful for me to kind of apply that to my music.”

The album, full of pulsing dance tracks and more mature lyrical content about love, got its kick-start earlier this year with her grown-up declaration, “Come & Get It.” She hopes that the rest of the album “will stand on its own.”

“I got to push myself,” she added. “I don’t want to stay in one place. So I really am happy with how it’s kind of turned out.”

Since Gomez gave her fans the gift of new music this week, the big question just might be what she got for her birthday.

Well, tacos.

“I didn’t ask for anything. Honestly [Sunday] night was the best gift ever, having all of my friends surprise me and bring me Jack in the Box tacos; there’s not any way I’d rather spend my birthday,” she said.

So, in the end, was her real-life celebration anything like the one in her brand-new video for her Stars Dance track, “Birthday”? “Kind of, actually! We didn’t have a lot of props, so a lot of my dancer friends were dancing with scarves and fun, little pillows. We were dancing though,” she said.

She continued, “It was fun. I had a little surprise get-together. My friends surprised me when I came home. They decorated my house. It was really sweet.”

Gomez also had a little birthday dinner Monday night with friends like “Spring Breakers” co-star Ashley Benson. She got a tiered cake, complete with a big “21” at the top.

Prior to the official release of her album, Gomez expressed her excitement for her big week. She reminded her fans on Twitter to go out and cop her album, and added, “I could not have asked for a better Birthday. This one will be remembered forever.”

What do you think of Selena’ Stars Dance album? Tell us in the comments!

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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