February 24, 2025

#Shehashadit Takes On New York Fashion Week Street Style: Day 4

We’re heading into the home stretch of Fashion Week, y’all. Jarvis Derrell of #shehashadit is here to give us his take on a few outfits spotted outside Lincoln Center, as he’s been doing since NYFW kicked off.

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSS!!!! See Kiesha, the true key to nailing it in street style is to take the most glamorous things and make them look as natural as possible guuurrrlll! Like this over priced organic recycled reusable grocery bag Elaganza for example!!! EVERYTHING!!! Oh and Kweens don’t forget the good ol’ pigeon-toed model in rest pose, because that’s natural as well!!! #mychiropractorstellingmeno #butmyinstagramistellingmeyaaaasss #ilive #legs #kneecaps #hair #soofierce #wholefoodshasneverbeensexier #clearlyshesreadyfordinner #shecantevenlookyouintheeye #ifeelyoukween #serveon

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSASSSSSSSSSS!!!! Colorful, functional, dramatic and ready to go at any moment!!! No Kweens I’m not talk about my Tinder bio, I’m talking about this fierce look! OBSESSED!!!! Fierce color patches of duty free realness in multiple languages, with a sensible short short, all the way down to a comfortable walking shoe just in time for a Sunday stroll and or charity marathon? LIVE YO LIFE GUUURRRRLLLL!!! I’m literally gagging over this look, because it’s everything I love about street style, and this Kween could care less!!!! YAAAAAASSSSSS REIGN!!!! #cantbebothered #mustbenice #haterblockers #aka #expensiveglasses #madetolookcheap #ha #messyupdo #myfavorite #legsdarling #runningshoes #sensible #theshehashaditnewyorkmarathon #runningforagoodcause #myrent #everybodyaintable #amen

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS KWEEN YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!! Sister Kween Regent Anna Wintour!!!!! Mother of the house of Simplified Shondala-Elaganza! Founding Pastor of the church of Opulence & YAAAAAASSSSS, and just overall slayer of life! I liiivvvveeee! And of course she has no time to stop and pose for street photographers, so the kids should just be grateful for her sensible stroll!!! Yaaaaassss!!! Sunday funday at NYFW was exactly everything I needed! Choices, colors, patterns, prints and the decadent Kweens who rocked the hell outta them! #thankgod #iwasgettingsobored #nanawintour #stillgotit #kweeninmotion #shante #youslay #iliveforanelderlyfloralprint #vintagevisions #windinhair #yaaassss #respectthat #bobdownbitches #shehashadit #shecreatedit #obsessed

About the author  ⁄ Jarvis Derrell

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