December 19, 2024

#Shehashadit Takes On New York Fashion Week Street Style: Day 7

Welp, NYFW is officially over, which means Jarvis Derrell of #shehashadit is here to give us his final take on some looks he spotted outside Lincoln Center (as he’s been doing all week long). See y’all next season!

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WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW, Kiesha!!!!!!!!!! Gurrrrrrrlll, I’m seeing red!!!!!! I guess day 7 of NYFW is when the street style Kweens start giving up!!!! WHEEEEEWWWWW! Now church, you know I’m NEVER one to judge or hold resentment against the kids, but that being said, you also all know that I’m an out and proud corkaphobe (fear of tall women in cork heels who probably drink boxed wine)! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! The bible says, “Love the Kween, not the shoesware!” AMENTZ!!!!!!!! Lol, Kiesha, gurrllll I just don’t know how a kween could choose to live her life that way! 😉 But in other news gurrrl, who doesn’t live for a sensible boring shondalafloral dress matched with a skinny belt cinched at the waist to furthermore prove just how much skinnier she is than everyone else?!!!! UGHHHHHHH!!!! #gurrrlllshesonthinicewithme #lookather #sheknowsittoo #corkheels #thedevilsgifttocankles #truth #howeverilivefortheclutch #nothingelse #shondalalame #Shehashadit

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YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS Kween, YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS!!! Guuuuurrrrrll, I feel the same way!!! NYFW is grueling and exhausting and thank god it’s almost over Kiesha because my closet is a shondalamess, and I’ve practically maxed out several of my roommate’s dad’s credit cards (DON’T ASK KWEENS! DON’T ASK!) at H&M, Forever 21 and the Whole Foods salad bar! All in the name of serving a photo-worthy look, of course gurrlll! But still, just like this timid Kween, I’ve done some pretty crazy things to get attention this week Kiesha, and guuuuurrrrrrllll, I’m soooo not proud!!! DON’T LOOK AT ME! So, I feel you Kween, I’m sure pattern on pattern was a real good idea this morning, but that was hours ago, and things have now changed, and you can’t wait to get home!!!! #storyofmylife #sensibleshame #likethatonetimeiwokeupinmexicanjail #ahhhthosewerethedays #nowiminaa #dontlookatme #patternsbymccalls #circa1993 #diyhotmessary #pinterest #bringitallinwithblackboots #andpantyhose #choices #shelookslikeahighfashionlorde #andwellneverberoyals

About the author  ⁄ Jarvis Derrell

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