February 24, 2025

#SheHasHadIt Takes On VMA Fashion

We’ve discussed 2014 VMA fashion down to the details, we’ve chosen our best dressed, and now we’ve enlisted the help of our longtime friend Jarvis Derrell (a.k.a. the brains behind #shehashadit) to give us his take on all things VMA.


Ariana GrandeGetty Images

YAAAAAAASSSSS KWEEN YAAAAAAAASSSS!!!! Whhheeeewww Babyiana Grande is declaring to the world, that she’s a Shondalababy no more. Church, Yaaaaaasssss!!!!! Now Kiesha, you know I live for a lady Kween in leather, and guuurrrllll, Miss Grande is letting me HAVE IT in every way possible. SERVE!!! This dress reminds me of that one time during the recession when I had to be a Craigslist dominatrix to support my addiction to online poker! WHEW!!! Don’t judge me Kweens, last month was real rough!!! In other news, congrats on SLAYING IT Ariana!!! #yaaaassss #omgthathighpony #ilive #20inchesofintergalacticpoprealness #andonemoreinchforthefans #amen #everybodyaintable #whewww #andthembootsgurrl #theonlybootsthatbelongonaredcarpet #10pointsforslytherin #moschino #comeandputyournameonit #leather #zippers #andpocketsohmy #barelylegal #butsoismypraise


Taylor SwiftGetty Images

YAAAAAAAAASSSSS Tay Swift YAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!! Guuurrrlll, who needs “body” when you can have long luxurious limbs of praise to ShondalaShake? Okaaaayyyy!!! Now church, you know I struggle with the idea of a high fashion romper covered in letters, 1.) because I’m dyslexic (self-diagnosed) and I don’t have the time, 2.) because it’s just plain against my religion ;). But I will say, Sister Swift really pulled it off! What a Sunday miracle church, I mean if I were her, I would have thrown in a little padding to fill it up in the right places, but HEY, this ain’t my church, I’m just the visiting minister, AMEN! #getherbodied #nothanks #skinnykweenopulence #broughttoyoubykaleandgoodcredit #readingromperstogo #ifyougetcloseenoughtoreadtheletters #youmostlikelyhavenolife #likeme #shakeitoff #shehashadit #thatswhatpeoplesay #mmmhhhmmm #nonthreatningwhitegurlhaircut #ilive #legslegslegs #twerkinginstilts #mustbenice #thekweensgonnakweenkweenkween #youknooowww #prayforme


Rita OraGetty Images

KWEENS KWEENS KWEENS!!! Wheeeeeewwww!!!! Red on red Rita??? Guuurrrlll, how brave of you!!! Praise The Lordt church, if it wasn’t for that millennium mullet and all that creamy skin, I wouldn’t have even known she was even there!!! #wewererootingforyourita #itsok #youcouldstillgetit #iworethatsamenightgownonmyweddingnight #itgotrippedtoo #blackwidow #literally #thriveandthrob



Dear Sister Kween Perry, Riff Raff and over studded denim on denim almost makes me loose faith in Obamacare and humanity!!! #thedevilisaliar #crushedcandydreams #istillloveyouunconditionally #roar


Amber RoseGetty

ALERT ALERT ALERT KWEENS!!! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!! I repeat, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!! Whew Lordt, one wrong move and we could have all seen Amber’s rose!!! I mean church, did we not learn our lesson from the 1998 VMA’s with Sister McGowan??? #friendsdontletfriends #butwatch #someonesgonnatrytowearthistoprom #everybodyaintable #shehashadit

Leave it to the Legends AMEN KWEENS!!! Sometimes all you need is hashtags to describe seasoned perfection!


Jennifer LopezGetty

#jennyowningtheblock #skin #face #body #gown #bringitallinwithaclutch #myfave #selenawouldbesoproud #bidibidistillgotit #offensiveandrelevant #betterbevelsfor500alex #takenotesbabykweens #thisishowsitsdone #gagging #imean #shesoldenoughtobeagrandmaonteenmom #nailingit


BeyonceGetty Images

#yooooonnnnnsayyy #opulencepersonafied #therightamoumtofglitz #therightamountofskin #pairedwith8poundearrings #flawless #weaverydoneright #noelevatorsinsight #glory

About the author  ⁄ Jarvis Derrell

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